Explain the relationship between the field of view

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133530488

  1. Calculate the total magnification when the following objective lenses are used in combination with a 10x ocular lens: 4X, 10X, 40X, and 100X.
  2. If a blue filter limiting the wavelength of light to 0.45 µm (micrometers, not millimeters) is placed over the light source, what is the theoretical resolution when the following objective lenses are in place: 40X and 100X?
  3. If you were using a microscope with a blue filter and the 100X objective lens, would you be able to visualize a structure that is 10 µm in diameter? Consider the concept of resolving power in your answer.
  4. Which type of light gives better resolution, blue light or yellow light? Explain why.
  5. Please describe in detail the steps you would take to locate a bacterium on a slide and then observe it under oil immersion.
  6. Suppose you look through the microscope and find the image to be a dim and lacking resolution, despite having good focus. What are three possible adjustments you could make to improve the quality of the image?
  7. Our microscopes are described as "parfocal". What does this term mean and why is it beneficial when using the microscope?
  8. Explain the relationship between the field of view and magnification. Also, discuss the relationship between depth of field and magnification.
  9. Why is it important to only clean the lenses of a microscope with lens paper instead of other materials such as Kim Wipes?
  10. In the context of bacteria, differentiate between the terms "morphology" and "arrangement". Can you give examples of each?

Reference no: EM133530488

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