Explain the relationship between a class and an object

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13804897

Question 1. List three debugging techniques, within the debugger, that can be used to locate logical error in the Java code. For each of these tools, explain what purpose it serves and how it relates to the debugging process.

Question 2. Give several reasons why exception-handling techniques should not be used for conventional program control.

Question 3. Suppose you had to create an algorithm that chooses between several different processing paths, and the control variable was a discrete data type. What would be the best approach?

Question 4. You have in your program an ArrayList that contains employee salaries (double type) in arbitrary order. You need to display the employees' salaries ordered in descending order. Provide detailed steps how you plan to accomplish this task. You do not need to give correct Java code (a detailed pseudocode is sufficient), but indicate which method(s) and which Java class(es) you would use.

Question 5. Suppose that you have an array of baseball scores (type integer) called Scores. The values in the array are ordered from largest to smallest. You need to find the average score, how many scores are less or equal to the average, and how many are greater than the average. Write a code fragment to accomplish it, or at the very least, write a detailed plan (pseudocode).

Question 6. Suppose that you're developing a Java program that uses decimal numbers and you'd like to control the formatting of your program output. How do you do this using the Java library in the java.Text package? List a coding example, and explain the necessary steps.

Question 7. Classes and objects are the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming language. What are classes and objects? Explain the relationship between a class and an object.

Reference no: EM13804897

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