Explain the relationship among agile project management

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13753416

Case Study: Getty Image and Agile Portfolio Management

Watch the video presentation titled, "Getty Images Customer Story - Agile Portfolio Management"

Video Source: Getty Images Customer Story - Agile Portfolio Management [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQHw1mKTFoo.

This video can be viewed from within your online course shell.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1. Explain the relationship among Agile project management, Agile portfolio management, and corporate culture.

2. Analyze why Getty Image embraced Agile methodologies. Speculate on the result if Agile methodologies were not embraced in this situation.

3. Explain how the Project Management Office (PMO) in Getty Image changed its methods in planning and prioritization. Determine the Agile methodologies being adopted and Getty's new way of doing business.

4. Evaluate the value of leadership and toolset that Getty Image produced.

5. Speculate on the additional data points that Getty Image needs to improve its portfolio management and reporting. Provide a rationale to support the answer.

Reference no: EM13753416

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