Explain the reasons for probability and impact assessments

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13761983

Assignment: The Stevens Company is converting from the SQL Server database to the Oracle® database.

Using the sample shown below, create a Risk Information Sheet for at least five risks (including information security and business continuity ones) that might be encountered during the conversion. Please note the following:

• The risk description should fully describe the risk
• The probability is the likelihood that the risk will occur (i.e., low, medium, or high)
• The impact is how the organization will be effected if the risk does occur (i.e., low, medium, or high)
• The rationale should explain the reasons for your probability and impact assessments
• There should be one risk information sheet for each risk identified

Risk Information Sheet

Risk Description:

Over 70% of the software components scheduled for reuse will be integrated into the application. The remaining functionality will have to be custom developed.

Probability: High

Impact: High

Rationale: High percentage of application will be re-used and integrated ith custom developed software - high impact if all components do not work together.

Reference no: EM13761983

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