Explain the reasons for an internal audit

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132613769

Audit and Assurance - OTHM Level 6 Diploma In Accounting And Business

Learning Outcome 1: Understand internal audit principles.
Learning Outcome 2: Understand current external audit legal and professional requirements.
Learning Outcome 3: Understand the risk involved in the external audit process.
Learning Outcome 4: Understand current external auditing practice.

Explain the reasons for an internal audit.
Outline internal audit principles.
Review internal audit techniques used by business organisations.
Outline the differences between internal and external audits.

Review the current auditing regulatory environment.
Explain the rules of professional conduct for auditors.
Review current developments in auditing.
Evaluate the value of a statutory audit.

3. Analyse audit risk.
Recommend measures to minimise audit risk.

4. Explain audit processes and techniques.
Evaluate the impact of the legal and professional requirements on the performance of an audit.

You must critically review some of the latest developments in auditing, with a particular reference to the lapses of some Globally reputed Audit firms, (with live case,). Must download an Audit report of any chosen organisation, and thorougnly review the same. Also on the role of Information technology in the audit process.

Attachment:- Accounting And Business.rar

Reference no: EM132613769

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Explain the reasons for an internal audit : Explain the reasons for an internal audit - Review the current auditing regulatory environment - Understand current external audit legal and professional
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8/28/2020 1:28:11 AM

Please find the attached document and help me with assignment on Audit & Assurance, Learning Outcome 2: Understand current external audit legal and professional requirements, Assessment criteria 2.3: Review current developments in auditing, use indicative contents under learning outcome 2, under the subheading currents developments. You must critically review some of the latest developments in auditing, with a particular reference to the lapses of some Globally reputed Audit firms, (with live case,). Must download an Audit report of any chosen organisation, and thorougnly review the same. Also on the role of Information technology in the audit process.

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