Explain the reason of your investment in the industry

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131243749

This is a investment course and i will sent all data to you i am doing the growth investor

Question 1. As an investor or portfolio manager, what investment goals and strategies did you follow while constructing your portfolios? Explain why you choose to be a value or growth investor or both at the same time while creating your portfolios.

2. Explain the reason of your investment in the industry that you considered for creating your active portfolio 1 [Hint: use macro-economicvariables and/or industry specific qualitative factors].

In addition, using company specific qualitative factors, the data you collected on financial ratios (that are provided in Eikon) under fundamental analysis and technical analysis (concentrating primarily on volume and moving average), explain your decision of stock selection for active portfolio 1.

3. Which stock did you purchase or sell to create your active portfolio 2 following fundamental and technical analysis. In addition, explain any changes in macro-economic factors or industry/company specific factorsthat affected your decision while rebalancing your portfolio 1.

4. Explain which stocks contribute more towards the risk/return of your portfolio in terms of the contribution of the top and bottom 5securities to your portfolio return along with the largest top 5 positions to your portfolio return. Alsoprovide the sectors and securities name that are underweight/overweight your portfolio compared to the BAFI1042 benchmark [Hint: allocation & selection effect]. You can use a table to distinguish between full replication, active 1 and active 2 portfolios while explaining.

5. Provide comments on total return/active return of your three portfolios and you are required to determine the total risk/active risk as well as the sources by looking at the tracking error of these portfolios.

6. Finally, compare and contrast the portfolios that you have created during sessions 1, 2 & 3 and summarize your comments on outcome achieved.

Verified Expert

Portfolio construction is the best approach for effective investment in the achievement of investment goals within acceptable range of risks. For effective portfolio construction however, it is important that strategies be put in place. Some of the best strategies include suitable and appropriate asset allocation, effective monitoring and achievement of the portfolio designed, reassessment of the portfolio weightings and lastly strategic re-balancing of the assets. Investing in the technological stocks, bonds, mutual funds (MFs), exchange traded funds (ETFs) and other shares may be among the best options for investment currently.

Reference no: EM131243749

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10/25/2016 5:29:53 AM

this is a investment course and i will sent all data to you i am doing the growth investor portfolio one 18346615_11bs.xls 18346615_21bsc.xls 18346615_31ef.xls one 18346692_11es.xls 18346692_2a1 RETURANS STATISTICS.xls 18346692_3a1 RETURNS ANALYSIS.xls one 18346653_1a1 total equity risk.xls 18346653_2Attribution.xls 18346653_3equitt summary.xls portfolio 2 18346615_1A2 allocation.xls 18346615_2A2 RETURENS.xls 18346615_3a2 TOTAL EQUITY.xls 2 18346657_1allocations.xls 18346657_2bal sum.xls 18346657_3brinson single cur.xls 2 18346673_1equity sum.xls 18346673_2intraday.xls 18346673_3single cur vs bench.xls full 18346671_1Full rep allocation.xls 18346671_2Full rep Intraday.xls 18346671_3Full Rep overview.xls full 18346678_1Full rep risk.xls 18346678_2Full rep single currency.xls 18346678_3FULL REPORT RETURNS STATISTICS.xls please finished this job as a growth investor

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