Explain the purpose of the router debug command

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM132103541

Part 1

Configure, verify and troubleshoot WAN links and IP services

Answer to all questions below:

1. What is the name of the Safe Work Australia code of practise that provides guidance on how to manage the risks of electrical equipment in the workplace?

2. In the code of practise referred to in question 1 (hint: there is a download link in the link 1 article that enables you to download and review the code of practise) what are the four steps of the risk management process?

3. What are two things you can do to manage risks associated with electrical equipment in the workplace (see section 3 of the code of practise)?

4. Which two of the following are protocols/technologies for connecting sites across a WAN? (i) MPLS (ii) ARP (iii) DHCP (iv) VPN

5. True or False? MPLS only works with IP networks.

6. Briefly describe the key features of ADSL and how it differs from symmetric DSL.

7. List two benefits of DHCP as opposed to static IP address allocation

8. How long (i.e. how many bits) is (i) an IPv6 address and (ii) an IPv4 address

9. How would I configure a DNS record to map a host with an IPv6 address in the Domain Name System (DNS)? What type of record is required?

10. List the four steps a network engineer could use to implement a point-to-point WAN link

11. Briefly describe the purpose of ACLs in securing network hardware resources, such as switches and routers. List the two types of ACLs that can be configured on Cisco devices

12. What are two ways you can prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD) when installing a router?

13. Briefly describe the role of NAT in IP networks

14. Briefly describe the role of the following protocols in the configuration and operation of IP networks (i) subnet masking (ii) dynamic routing protocols e.g. RIP

15. Briefly describe the purpose of the debug command on Cisco switches/routers.

16. What are the CLI commands for (i) showing the running configuration on a Cisco router and (ii) backing up the router running configuration?

Assessment: Case Study

Instructions to Students:

Read the scenario below and prepare a report that addresses all the points below. You should type (do not handwrite!) your report. Make sure you use your own words in the report, make sure you address all the requirements, and do not submit excessively long answers (no individual point should exceed 300 words).


You are an employee of FAST, an IT networking company. You have been asked to configure and install WAN links, including setting up a VPN for a site-to-site connection, for DEF Manufacturing, a local Melbourne company with a head office in the CBD. DEF have asked you to provide them with a written report on the following matters relating to setting up WAN Links for their company. Mr. Smith, the IT Manager, has been nominated by the company as the DEF employee in charge of all aspects of the WAN implementation, and it is he who will review and approve all plans and recommendations from you.

DEF require a product that they can connect to their existing Cisco switched network and use to implement a VPN to a remote site they have in Dandenong. They have a preference for Cisco equipment but are not sure if Cisco equipment can meet their needs. They have asked you to investigate the Cisco ISR 4000 series to see if that suits their needs. The new device needs to support an IPSec-based VPN connection to their remote site, and they also need a device that can connect via ethernet to their existing switched network. They estimate that the VPN will need to support bandwidths of up to 30Mbps between the two locations.

They have some documentation for their current network, and that shows that there is a spare Ethernet port on their main switch that you can connect any new appliance into. They are not sure that the documentation is correct, however, and have asked you to verify that the port is available.

They are very safety conscious and want an assurance that all work will be done according to the relevant WHS standards. They also want to the work to be done outside core business hours of 8AM to 6PM Monday to Friday. They have advised you that their network equipment is housed in a special-purpose computer room in the basement of their head office, and that, if you want to gain out- of-hours access to that room, you will need to put in a written request to Mr. Jones, the Facilities Manager, at least 3 business days in advance of the day you want access. They want to see a plan of the work you are planning to undertake, showing what activities you will be undertaking, when you will be doing them, and what contingencies you have put in place should anything go wrong.

They are also concerned about how their IT administrator will cope with supporting the WAN links once they have been installed. Accordingly, they have asked you to briefly explain a number of router administration tasks, such as the setting up of access control lists, the use of the debug command, and two common problems encountered in configuring VPN links, They are also concerned about the move to IPv6 and would like you to explain two basic differences compared to IP v4.

In your report, you should:

1. Specify the relevant legislation, work health and safety (WHS) codes, regulations and standards that apply to your work when you are installing the WAN links

2. Describe how you are going to access the site according to DEF procedures

3. Review existing network design documentation to ensure it is current/correct, and supports your proposed solution

4. Specify what equipment you are recommending to meet their technical requirements.

5. Check availability of specified equipment, and provide a link to technical specification for the recommended components.

6. Develop plans, with prioritized tasks and contingency arrangements, for installation of components with minimum disruption to client.

7. Explain how you would liaise with appropriate person to obtain approval for the plans, including security clearance and timings.

8. Explain the purpose of configuring ACLs on a router

9. Explain the purpose of the router debug command

10. Explain two typical problems and solutions with WAN link installations

11. Explain two basic differences between IPv6 and IP v4 as it pertains to the operation and configuration of the protocolASSESSMENT 3 - LAB

Instructions to student:

Complete following the labs as described, Save the evidence of lab completion screen print in a separate document, clearly labelling the evidence e.g. lab 1 evidence, lab 2 evidence etc. Make sure that document has your name and student id, Print and attach it to your assessment resources summary.
Consult the resources in page-2 if you need more contextual information about particular labs.

Lab 1 Configure DHCP on a router:

Lab overview. In this lab we will configure a DHCP service on a router, and have it give out an IP address to a client.

Before you begin - key points to note

1. Recall from the lecture that DHCP offers a number of advantages over static IP address assignment. You should reflect on those advantages before commencing the lab, as you may need to nominate them in other assessment tasks for this or other units
2. You should also reflect on the basic operations of the DHCP protocol - e.g. discover, offer, request, accept (DORA) - as these could also be assessed in other tasks. Understanding how DHCP operates will also make the lab clearer while you are performing the lab.
3. You should also test your configuration e.g. verify that your DHCP client receives the expected address from the range, and troubleshoot your configuration as required.


1. Configure the router port with the static IP address
2. Create an address pool called S123456 (where S123456 is your student id) of IP addresses in the range from to (subnet mask
3. Exclude the address range to
4. Set DNS server to
5. Set the default-router to
6. Go into the client PC device to verify that the client has picked up the correct IP settings from the DHCP server you just configured on the router.
7. Save the requested screen shot of the router configuration into your student workbook. You can do this by running the show run command to show the router configuration. Make sure that the screen shot shows your address pool, exclusions and DHCP options for DNS server and default gateway. See example below

Lab 2 Configure NAT:

Before you begin - key points to note

1. Remember NAT is a way of mapping internal IP addresses to external IP addresses (and vice versa).
2. You should reflect on the advantages of NAT as you may be asked about these in other assessment tasks.
3. You should reflect on the basic operations of a NAT solution, and how NAT can be scaled to medium- or larger-sized networks. These could also be assessed in other tasks.
4. You should verify that NAT is occurring as you expect when doing the labs, and troubleshoot your solutions as needed.
Lab Instructions

Complete the lab as shown in parts 2 and 3 of the "Setup NAT for the Cisco CCNA w/ Packet Tracer" (see links
in page-2)

1. Once you have completed the lab as shown in parts 2 and 3 of the video, you should customize the web page being sent from the server to add in your student id (see image below - instead of S12345 you should put your own student id)

2. After customizing the web page on server, you need to go into PC and open the web browser to IP address (this is shown in part 3 of the lab video). If you have done the lab correctly, the page should be shown in the browser as is shown below
You need to save a screenshot of this web page displaying correctly and copy it into the evidence for Lab 2 completion in your workbook. Your screenshot should look similar to that below (your student id will be in place instead of S12345)

Lab 3 Configure ACLs:

Lab Overview. For this lab, you will set up standard access control lists (ACLs) for your router.

Before you begin - key points to note.

1. You should reflect on the purpose and benefits of ACLs, as you are likely to be assessed on this in other assessment tasks.
2. You should reflect on how ACLs are able to filter network connections, and how this serves particular security purposes.
3. You should be prepared to test your lab configuration to ensure it conforms with what has been requested to be set up, and troubleshoot/debug your configuration as required.

Lab 4 Configure DSL:

Lab Overview. In this lab, you use Cisco Packet Tracer to set up a DSL connection to an internet provider and obtain a dynamic IP address through the DSL connection.

Before you begin - key points to note

1. You should reflect on how ASDL operates as you perform the lab, as this will help you understand the configuration tasks in the context of overall ASDL operations
2. You should reflect on the benefits and advantages of DSL/ADSL technologies, as this will both assist in understanding the lab, and may be assessed in other assessment tasks
3. You should verify your configuration by ensuring the address is configured as expected across the WAN link. Be prepared to troubleshoot the WAN link and/or the DSL connection as required.

Lab 5 Selecting a WAN link and debugging:

Lab Instructions

You are working for DEF, a mid-sized private company as a network administrator. Your IT manager has asked you to explain how you will go about choosing a WAN link for the company for its upcoming WAN implementation. He has also asked you to explain to him how to troubleshoot a Cisco router, and in particular how the show and debug commands work
Answer the following answers and record the answers in your workbook.

1. List two questions you need to ask when choosing what kind of WAN link to implement?
2. List two considerations that would apply to determining traffic requirements.
3. List one advantage and one disadvantage of using private as opposed to public infrastructure for your WAN links
4. List one advantage and one disadvantage of debug versus show for troubleshooting routers

Lab 6 Configuring a site to site VPN:

Lab Instructions

Configure your site to site VPN as shown in the video (see recourses section in page-2). Once you have completed the lab, save your screen shot in Cisco packet Tracer

Part 2

Install, operate and troubleshoot medium enterprise routers

This unit requires each student to undergo adequate practice and preparation prior to undertaking the assessments in a classroom/simulated environment.
Students are required to complete ALL summative assessments listed below in order to be deemed "Competent" in this unit of competency.Assessment 1

Answer to all questions below:

1. Define the following terms as they apply to routing in networks: (i) redundant paths, (ii) path selection and (iii) static routing.
2. List two ways you can provide physical security for a router.

3. If I need to update the software on the router, list three things I should do as part of my procedure to update the code on the router.
4. What are two benefits of enabling logging on a router?

5. In the IP protocol version 4 specification, what are the three IP address ranges reserved for private networks?

For questions 6 to 10, you should review all the references in the "Introduction to Dynamic Routing Protocols" topic in Moodle.
6. What is (i) one advantage of dynamic routing protocols compared to static routing; and (ii) one disadvantage of dynamic routing compared to static routing
7. Briefly define what is meant by an ‘autonomous system' in routing environments

8. Give examples of routing protocols that are (i) an exterior routing protocol; (ii) an interior, link- state routing protocol and (iii) an interior, distance-vector routing protocol
9. What is the difference between classless and classful routing protocols in terms of how they handle subnet masks?
10. List three kinds of metrics that EIGRP protocol keeps in the routing table to select the best path for routed packets.
11. Under what circumstances would you generally use debug commands (i.e who would normally request it)?
12. What is one reason you need to be cautious in using debug?

13. What are two ports that a router can use to display debug output?

14. What command do I use to stop a debug?

15. What is the name of the debugging feature that allows me to generate debug messages for packets entering or leaving on a specified interface?
16. In an IPv4 addressing scheme, what would be the broadcast address in the class C network
17. List two protocols that operate at the Transport layer in the TCP/IP Suite

18. List two protocols that operate at the Application layer in the TCP/IP Suite

19. What is the CLI command on Cisco routers to go into privileged mode?

20. What is the CLI command on Cisco routers to reboot the device>

21. Explain the purpose of the following command modes in the Cisco CLI (Command Line Interface): (i) User EXEC mode (ii) privileged EXEC mode

Assessment: Case Study

Instructions to Students:

Read the scenario below and prepare a report that addresses all the points below. You should type (do not handwrite!) your report. Make sure you use your own words in the report, make sure you address al ten requirements, and do not submit excessively long answers (no individual point should exceed 300 words).


You are an employee of FAST, an IT networking company. You have been asked to configure and install WAN links, including setting up a VPN for a site-to-site connection, for DEF Manufacturing, a local Melbourne company with a head office in the CBD. DEF have asked you to provide them with a written report on the following matters relating to setting up a new router for their company. Mr.

Smith, the IT Manager, has been nominated by the company as the DEF employee in charge of all aspects of the WAN implementation, and it is he who will review and approve all plans and recommendations from you.

DEF need a router that supports the RIP and OSPF routing protocols, as well as having a redundant power supply They have asked you to investigate the Cisco ISR 4000 series to see if that meets their needs. The new device needs to support an IPSec-based VPN connection to a remote site, and they also need a device that can connect via ethernet to their existing switched network. This will replace their existing router, and they want any disruption to their business operations coming from the upgrade to be as limited as possible.

They have some documentation for their current network, and that shows that there is a spare Ethernet port on their main switch that you can connect any new appliance into. They are not sure that the documentation is correct, however, and have asked you to verify that the port is available. They also want you to secure the router by password-protecting administrator access, but have not provided you with an initial password to use for the administrator account on the router (this password will, of course, be changed by the administrator once they upgrade is complete)

They are very safety conscious and want an assurance that all work will be done according to the relevant WHS standards. They also want to the work to be done outside core business hours of 8AM to 6PM Monday to Friday. They have advised you that their network equipment is housed in a special-purpose computer room in the basement of their head office, and that, if you want to gain out- of-hours access to that room, you will need to put in a written request to Mr. Jones, the Facilities Manager, at least 3 business days in advance of the day you want access. They want to see a plan of the work you are planning to undertake, showing what activities you will be undertaking, when you will be doing them, and what contingencies you have put in place should anything go wrong.

They are also unclear about what network id and subnet mask they should use for their private network, and want you to provide a recommendation. They also want to understand the advantages of using a private network versus using a public network id on their network. They will have up to 150 hosts on their private network that need to communicate with the Internet, all of which will be connected to the router via a single switch. They also need their new router to support NAT so they can implement their own private network. They currently access the internet via an Internet Service Provider, who has reserved the IP address for the router interface into the ISP network
In your report, you should:

1. Specify the relevant legislation, work health and safety (WHS) codes, regulations and standards that apply to your work when you are installing the WAN links.

2. Describe how you are going to access the site according to DEF procedures.

3. Review existing network design documentation to ensure it is current/correct, and supports your proposed solution.

4. Specify what equipment you are recommending to meet their technical requirements.

5. Check availability of specified equipment and provide a link to technical specification for the recommended components.

6. Develop plans, with prioritized tasks and contingency arrangements, for installation of components with minimum disruption to client.

7. Explain how you would liaise with appropriate person to obtain approval for the plans, including security clearance and timings.

8. Determine what address range and subnet mask you will use for the internal private network, and what will be the IP address of the router interface to the ISP. Explain why you have chosen the private network id that you have used.

9. Calculate the number of unique IP addresses that your proposed VLSM addressing scheme will support (excluding the network id and the broadcast address).


This assessment is to be undertaken in an actual job workplace or a classroom/simulated environment. The student is to complete the laboratory tasks detailed in the Lab Exercises in the classroom notes using the Cisco Packet Tracer software. The labs are:

- Configure routing tables (Lab 1)
- Securing your router (Lab 2)
- Configure dynamic routing (Lab 3)
- Troubleshoot networking services (as required throughout the labs)

Once the laboratory tasks are completed, the student is to save the required evidence for completing the labs to the unit resources summary, which will then be handed in for assessment. This assessment is done during the allocated laboratory/tutorial sessions or can be completed offsite.

Lab 2 - Securing your router

Lab overview. In this lab we will set up basic security on a Cisco router


Secure console and virtual terminal access with a password of Snnnnn (where Snnnnn is your student id) as shown in the videos. Note that the password you should use is your student id Once you have finished the lab, save your evidence (similar to the screenshot below) so you can copy it into your workbook (note the evidence is the output of the show running-config command where it shows the passwords for console and Vty access).

Lab 3. Configure Dynamic Routing

Lab Overview. In this lab, you are going to set up a classless routing environment and use RIP to update the routing tables.
Lab Instructions.

1. Set up three networks as shown in the video lecture series
2. Network 1 is, network 2 is, network 3 is
3. Enable RIP on the two routers to enable the routers to exchange routing table information dynamically
4. Once RIP is enabled, show your routing table information (should show a dynamic route entry now) and save it as evidence in your workbook (see example screenshot below). Make sure the screenshot shows your student id and the route table entry clearly.
5. Use networking troubleshooting tools such as traceroute, ifconfig, and ping to verify connectivity/troubleshoot as you work through the lab

Attachment:- Assignments.rar

Reference no: EM132103541

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Explain the purpose of the router debug command : ICTNWK506 – Configure, verify and troubleshoot WAN links and IP services - What are two things you can do to manage risks associated with electrical equipment
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