Explain the purpose of record management systems

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Reference no: EM132310462


1. Briefly describe the following adult learning theories.
Guidance: Each response must no more than 100 words.

a) Andragogy vs. Pedagogy
b) Behaviourist Learning Theory
c) Cognitive Learning Theory
d) Information Processing Theory

2. List three (3) principles of adult learning.

3. List the three (3) sensory learning styles.

4. Honey and Mumford Learning Styles: Identify which learning style corresponds to the learning experience below.

Learning Styles

a. Activists
b. Reflectors
c. Theorists
d. Pragmatists

Write the letter of your responses in the spaces provided.

5. Identify one (1) strategy to best encourage learning for each of the following learning styles.

a) Activists
b) Reflectors
c) Theorists
d) Pragmatists

6. List two (2) resources that can be used to identify the different learning styles of individuals.
Guidance: You may provide link/s to the assessment tool.

7. List three (3) examples of delivery methods that can be used in a face-to-face group delivery.

8. From the options below, select the two (2) techniques that a trainer can use to recognise inappropriate behaviours among learners.

a) Conduct a self-assessment

b) Implement disciplinary measures

c) Observe the behaviour of the learner

d) Obtain feedback from other learners

9. List three (3) ways to address inappropriate behaviours among learners.

10. Briefly explain the purpose of record management systems for training records in your organisation.
Guidance: Your response must be no more than 100 words.

11. Briefly explain the purpose of the reporting requirements for training in your organisation.
Guidance: Each response must be no more than 100 words and must discuss reporting requirements in the context of training.

12. List three (3) characteristics of learners that must be considered when creating a learner group profile.

13. List two (2) possible needs of learners that must be considered when creating a learner group profile.

14. From the options below, select the three (3) techniques that are appropriate for an effective face-to-face delivery training.
a) Make sure that you break learning content into achievable ‘chunks' within each training session. Provide opportunities for revision and reflection at appropriate points throughout your delivery.
b) Only have breaks as per identified break times in the session plan, and do not deviate from the session plan at all.
c) Consolidate and review what you have covered at the end of each session and at the beginning of the next session.
d) Discuss a learner's learning difficulties in front of the entire group.
e) Prepare handouts that summarise the topic and assist the participants with their recall of the information you delivered.

15. Which of the following behaviours may indicate learner difficulties? Select three
(3) responses.
a) Clarifying concepts
b) Consistently failing at assessment activities
c) Looking too attentive
d) Resisting or challenging the trainer's direction
e) Showing a blank stare on face

16. Which of the following are effective methods to address learner difficulties? Select two (2) responses.
a) Present materials in small units to allow those with learning difficulties to process and follow small chunks of information.
b) Give the learner difficult and challenging assessments.
c) Provide the learner with supplementary learning materials.
d) Put the learner on the spot to discuss the topic of difficulty.

17. Which of the following describe effective evaluation and revision techniques to improve session plans? Select two (2) responses.
a) Having other trainers review the session plans and provide recommendations for improvement
b) Having the participants review and revise the plans
c) Revising the plan daily to ensure content relevance and currency
d) Using feedback forms to gather and collect participant feedback to help improve the plans

18. List two (2) equipment that a learner who has a hearing impairment can use to assist while in the learning program.

19. List two (2) examples of resources for students with special needs in a learning program.

20.List two (2) examples of support services for students who are language learners.

21. Which of the following risk assessment measures should you do as part of your inspection prior to the facilitation of group-based learning sessions?
Select the two best answers.

a) ensure that all electrical cords are not trip hazards
b) set off the emergency evacuation alarm to ensure it is working
c) read and understand the emergency evacuation plan
d) store empty boxes of resources in the emergency exit

22. James is a surf lifesaving trainer/assessor. He is conducting a risk assessment for his Bronze Medallion training group.
Match the following hazards/risks to the most appropriate risk control measures relating to his training. Write the corresponding letters in the space provided.
a. Students: medical conditions, special needs, high-risk behaviours
b. Physical exertion: strains, sprains, fatigue and exhaustion
c. Infection control: Hygiene
d. Environmental: Sun safety, weather conditions, site hazards

a) Continuously monitor students for signs of hypothermia
b) Use an enrolment form to identify whether students have any special needs or allergies
c) Ensure that students use gloves when practising first aid
d) Monitor the wind, water and weather conditions during training, and cease the activity if the water becomes dangerous

23. List two (2) policies and procedures relevant to the learning environment.

24. The following statements refer to systems, processes and practices of work-based learning within the organisation. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

a) An organisation will generally undertake a work-based learning program based on a strategic objective.
b) Developing and implementing a work-based learning pathway will be much more complex if it aligns with the organisation's strategic direction and key performance indicators.
c) Workplace routines must be analysed to ensure that the work-based learning program will be integrated with the work duties, practices and processes of the workplace.
d) Work-based learning incorporates an integrated approach to employee development, in which learning is linked to the work role of the individual.
e) Workplace learning is a cost-effective process, as learning can take place without having to incur the costs of leaving the workplace and investing in off-site training.

25. Select the industry of your practice (or write it in the space provided), and list two
(2) examples of hazards that are often found in your workplace and industry of practice.

Select your industry of practice from the list below and write the corresponding letter in the space provided. If you select ‘others', indicate your industry of practice in the space provided:
a) Child Care
b) Individual Support (Community Services)
c) Training and Education
d) Financial Services
e) Others (Please specify):
List two (2) examples of hazards that are often found in your workplace and industry of practice:

26. Which of the following are standard reporting requirements for hazards and incidents? Select the two best answers.

a) Reporting must be conducted by a qualified person, or at least in consultation with a qualified person, such as a technical expert or a safety specialist.

b) Anyone in the workplace must report any damage, accidents or incidents that occur and in a learning environment, this includes learners, management, ancillary staff, trainers and assessors and workers at all levels.

c) Anyone in the learning environment must be trained on how to correctly fill out the report form or must be assisted in filling it out if training has not yet been completed.

d) A hazard or incident report form must be filled out as soon as possible after noticing the hazard or the accident or incident occurring.

27. List three (3) safe work procedures that trainers in face-to-face training should follow.

28.Select the industry relevant to your Vocational Education Training practice (or write it in the space provided). List two (2) examples of WHS responsibilities related to the safe use and maintenance of relevant equipment used in the learning environment.

Select your industry of practice from the list below and write the corresponding letter in the space provided. If you select ‘others', indicate your industry of practice in the space provided:

a) Child Care

b) Individual Support (Community Services)

c) Training and Education

d) Financial Services

e) Others: (Please specify):
List two examples of WHS responsibilities related to the safe use and maintenance of relevant equipment used in the learning environment:

29. If you are training learners in a training room and the emergency evacuation alarm is heard, what should you do? Select the two (2) best responses.

a) Continue training and wait for the announcement indicating that it is not a drill.

b) Advise learners to leave their belongings and follow the emergency exits as previously advised.

c) Grab the attendance sheet if handy for a roll call at the designated gathering point.

d) Advise the learners to pack up all their computers and workbooks before they leave.

30.List three (3) typical sources of WHS information in the workplace.

31. Which of the following options must be included in the learning program? Select the three (3) best answers.

a) WHS issues to be addressed in the delivery

b) Emergency and evacuation plan

c) Learning resources, learning materials and activities

d) Associated fees

e) Duration of training sessions

32. Which of the following must be included in the session plan? Select the three
(3) best answers.

Mapping: TAEDEL401 KE5(p)

a) The outline of the content to be addressed

b) The resources required

c) The records management policies and procedures

d) The entry requirements for trainers and assessors

e) The delivery methods for each part of the session

33. Which of the following describes the requirements of the learning program? Select the two (2) best answers.

a) The individual learner's needs are considered in the assessment process.

b) The specific learning outcomes for the program are clearly outlined.

c) Assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements, as the minimum requirement, must cover the skills that are essential to competent performance

d) The assessment must facilitate gathering assessment evidence that is from the present or the very recent past no more than 5 years.

e) The units of competency and other benchmarks to be achieved must be specified.

34. List two (2) information collection methods that will support the review and feedback of presentations.

35. Read the following scenario:
Company X, a mining company, has just implemented a new attendance policy across the organisation. Julia was assigned to develop and deliver a presentation that explains the details of this new policy. She will be sent to all Company X offices and mining locations to deliver this presentation to all the employees. You are travelling with Julia to observe her presentations.

Briefly explain the relevant regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements that must be observed relevant to the following scenarios you observed during Julia's presentation.
Guidance: Each response must be no more than 100 words.

a) Julia prefers to wear corporate attire instead of the prescribed clothing when visiting mining sites.
b) You noticed that Julia is using her personal laptop during the presentations. Her personal laptop has not been tested and tagged.
c) Julia included names of employees who were terminated from work because of excessive tardiness and absences.
d) Julia included graphs and figures from other sources but did not cite the sources in her presentation.

36. Briefly explain the implications of the following principles of effective communication for trainers.

a) It is impossible not to communicate.
b) Communication is a two- way process

37. List three examples of presentation aids and materials used to support face- to-face presentations and briefly describe each.

38. List two (2) systems for identifying skill needs in the workplace.

39. From the options below choose three (3) purposes of the learning program.

i. To develop vocational competencies or skills

ii. To meet industry standards, legislation, licensing, or registration requirements, or the requirements of a funding body

iii. To impress the department supervisor

iv. To show off

v. To address gaps between a learner's knowledge and skills, and competency standards


Project Overview
This project requires you to complete the following tasks:
• Prepare a detailed session plan
• Facilitate and review the session you have prepared.
This project can be completed through a real workplace or simulated scenario. Choose the pathway that best suits your needs. If you have any concerns or queries, please direct them to your assessor.

Project Requirements
To complete this project, you will need the following resources:
• At least eight (8) adult learners (volunteers or from your own workplace)
• Video recording device (e.g. mobile phone with camera, handheld video recorder, etc.) OR observation by a qualified observer - for candidates completing the project through the simulated scenario.
Note: if you are completing the projects with the help of a qualified observer you must request and submit a copy of their qualifications to your assessor.
• Learning program documentation
Guidance: This refers to documentation that contains the delivery requirements of the program. If you are completing this project through the simulated pathway, this will be provided for you.
• Templates enclosed in this workbook


To complete this project, you will need access to the following resources:

» Video Recording equipment (camera, mobile phone, etc.) OR one (1) qualified observer
» Eight (8) volunteers to play the part of your learners
» Templates included in this project

You must develop your Session Plan using the information provided in the learning program documentation provided. The training you deliver to your learners (volunteers) can cover learning outcomes of your choosing as long as the session does not go beyond 20 minutes.

You must submit a video recording of your training session for assessment. Alternatively, if you have access to a qualified observer, you can ask them to complete the Observation Form provided in the instructions that follow.

Cascade Peak Performance Training Institute (CPPTI)

You are a trainer for Cascade Peak Performance Training Institute (CPPTI), a Registered Training Organisation offering vocational training services for a range of clients with different training needs.

CPPTI was contacted by a manager from Adventure Events Marketing (AEM) to develop a learning program for the unit:

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

They want to ensure that their staff take a standard approach to preparing presentations for their clients. They ask CPPTI to conduct 2 sessions for them, you will conduct the first one.

You have been tasked with delivering a 20-minute session for a group of eight (8) learners. To complete this project, you will need access to the Learning Program documentation you completed for Project 5 of the Design Cluster Workbook. Learning Program documentation includes the following: Learning Program, Learning Program Schedule, and Competency Mapping. You will be asked to submit these for assessment purposes.

Before conducting the training, brief your volunteers about the content of your training and the roles that they will be playing. You are free to assign roles to your volunteers using the learner group description in the learning program documentation provided.

Steps to take

1. Read and access the learning program documentation for the session. Submit a copy of the relevant Learning Program Documentation (the Learning Program, Learning Program Schedule and Competency Mapping) as:


2. Prepare the Session Plan
Identify the learners' characteristics and any learning support needs they might have.
Determine the delivery requirements from the learning program documentation, including any risks and constraints to the delivery of the training.
Refine the learning objective/s in your Learning Program documentation to fit the program requirements and the needs of the learners.
Utilise your knowledge of learning principles and theories to determine the appropriate delivery method for the session. Also, consider at least one (1) learning support and assessment strategy you can implement to address the LLN needs of this learner group.

What learning principles and theories did you use to generate ideas for the training session delivery? List at least one (1) learning principle and one (1) learning theory and briefly describe how they helped you plan the training session.

3. Prepare the resources required for the session
Determine and access the learning materials that you will need during the session. You must ensure that these meet the needs (LLN or others) of your learner group and the LLN requirements of the training by contextualising them. Alternatively, you can also develop learning materials.
Save and submit these learning materials using the filename:
[your last name, your first name] - LPMaterials1.final
In the spaces provided on the following page explain how you ensured that the learning materials were adjusted or created to suit the needs of your learners. Be as specific and detailed as possible.
You must also organise for any facilities, technology, support personnel or equipment you will need for the session. Draft an email to your supervisor requesting the resources you will need using the form below.

4. Confirm your role and responsibilities in planning and delivering training.

Draft an email to Cynthia Fontaine, the manager of Adventure Events Marketing (AEM), confirming your role and responsibilities in planning and delivering training their employees. Briefly describe the coverage of your 20-minute training session you planned for the learner group and your role and responsibilities in planning and delivering training to your learners.

5. Deliver the training
Conduct the training session according to the Session Plan. Note that you must modify your delivery to suit learner group's needs and/or changes in circumstances during the session. Complete the table on the following page that asks you to identify how you modified your delivery.

6. Monitor and document learner progress
Have the learners evaluate the session using this form.
Participant Feedback Form
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)
Once complete, compile the completed Feedback Forms and save them using the filename:
[your last name, your first name] - FeedbackForms1
Write a brief description of the learners' (volunteers') progress or performance in the table below. As you complete the table, note if the learner outcomes for the session, and the learners' needs were or were not met.


Project Overview
This project requires you to complete the following tasks:
• Prepare a detailed session plan
• Facilitate and review the session you have prepared.
You must also have access to the following as you prepare for and facilitate the training sessions:
• A computer with presentation software
(like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, etc.)
• Presentation equipment
(this can include projectors or computer monitors, speakers, microphones, video players, etc.)
• And other materials and/or technology relevant to the presentations you will create for this project.
This project can be completed through a real workplace or simulated scenario. Choose the pathway that best suits your needs. If you have any concerns or queries, please direct them to your assessor.

Project Requirements
To complete this project, you need access to the following resources:
• At least eight (8) adult learners (volunteers or from your own workplace)
• Video recording device (e.g. mobile phone with camera, handheld video recorder, etc.) - for candidates completing the project through the simulated scenario OR observation by a qualified observer.
Note: if you are completing the projects with the help of a qualified observer you must request and submit a copy of their qualifications to your assessor.


To complete this project, you will need access to the following resources:

» Video Recording equipment (camera, mobile phone, etc.) OR one (1) qualified observer
» Eight (8) volunteers to play the part of your learners
» Templates included in this project

You must develop your Session Plan using the information provided in the learning program documentation provided. The training you deliver to your learners (volunteers) can cover learning outcomes of your choosing as long as the training is for two (2) consecutive, 40-minute sessions.

You must submit a video recording of your training session for assessment. Alternatively, if you have access to a qualified observer you can ask them to complete the Observation Form provided in the instructions that follow.

Man Power Training Services (MPTS)

You are a trainer for Man Power Training Services (MPTS), a Registered Training Organisation offering vocational training services for a range of clients with different training needs.

Best Jobs Incorporated (BJI) is a not for profit organisation that helps people gain employment in the Retail and Hospitality industries at entry level. BJI approached MPTS to develop training that will help their participants qualify for employment in various hospitality settings. They asked MPTS to conduct a series of sessions for these learners, you will be conducting Session 4 and 5.

You have been tasked with delivering two (2) consecutive 40-minute sessions for a group of eight (8) learners training to be catering assistants. The training session must cover a topic that relates to the unit:

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

To complete this project, you will need access to the Learning Program documentation you completed for Project 2 of the Design Cluster Workbook. Learning Program documentation includes the following: Learning Program, Learning Program Schedule, and Competency Mapping. You will be asked to submit these for assessment purposes.

You must develop your Session Plans using the information provided in the learning program documentation provided. The training you deliver to your learners (volunteers) can cover learning outcomes of your choosing as long as the training is for two (2) consecutive, 40-minute sessions.

You must submit a video recording of your training session for assessment. Alternatively, if you have access to a qualified observer, you can ask them to complete the Observation Form provided in the instructions that follow.

Before conducting the training, brief your volunteers about the content of your training and the roles that they will be playing. You are free to assign roles to your volunteers using the learner group description in the learning program documentation provided.

Steps to take

1. Read and access the learning program documentation for the sessions. Submit a copy of the relevant Learning Program Documentation (the Learning Program, Learning Program Schedule and Competency Mapping) as:


2. Prepare the Session Plans
Identify the learners' characteristics and any learning support needs they might have.
Determine the delivery requirements from the learning program documentation, including any risks and constraints to the delivery of the training.
Refine the learning objective/s in your Learning Program documentation to fit the program requirements and the needs of the learners.
Utilise your knowledge of learning principles and theories to determine the appropriate delivery methods for each session. Note that you must determine at least two (2) different delivery methods for each training session. The delivery methods you select for the second session must be different from the delivery methods you select for the first session. Also consider at least one (1) learning support and assessment strategy you can implement for this particular learner group.
This Session Plan template will also ask you to plan the presentation/s for the session. Note that your chosen presentation strategies and format must meet the characteristics of the following:
• your target audience,
• location of the training session,
• resources required for the session, and
• personnel required for the session.
You must also consider the format and purpose of the presentation when selecting the:
• presentation aids,
• presentation materials, and
• presentation techniques.

What learning principles and theories did you use to generate ideas for the training session delivery? List at least one (1) learning principle and one (1) learning theory and briefly describe how they helped you plan the training session. The learning principle and theory you list here must differ from the learning principle and theory you identified in Project 1.

3. Prepare the resources required for the session
Determine and access the learning materials that you will need during the sessions. For this project, you must prepare and submit two (2) presentation aides and two (2) presentation materials that you will use to support your training session. These must support the key concepts and ideas of the session, and help keep your learner group engaged. Compile these materials in a .zip folder with the following filenames:

If you choose to use materials that are pre-developed, you must ensure that these meet the needs of your learner group by contextualising them.
In the spaces provided on the following page explain how you ensured that the learning and presentation materials were adjusted or created to suit the needs of your learners. Be as specific and detailed as possible.
You must also organise for any facilities, technology, support personnel or equipment you will need for the session. Draft an email to your supervisor requesting the resources you will need using the form below.

4. Confirm your role and responsibilities in planning and delivering training.

Draft an email to Sebastian Lockington, the training coordinator of Best Jobs Incorporated (BJI), confirming your role as the trainer for their employees. Briefly describe the coverage of your two (2) consecutive 40-minute training sessions you planned for the learner group and your responsibilities during the sessions.

5. Deliver the training
Conduct the training session according to the Session Plans. Note that you must modify your delivery to suit learner group's needs and/or changes in circumstances during the session. Complete the table that asks you to identify how you modified your delivery. Remember to brief your learners about their role and responsibilities during the session and/or your presentation.

6. Monitor and document learner progress

7. Consider the feedback you received from your learners (volunteers). In the space provided below determine what changes you can make to the presentation and the central ideas you presented.

8. On the following page, you will find MPTS' organisational policies and procedures on the maintenance and storage of learner records. Submit the learning materials, including activities and evaluation forms completed by the candidates according to MPTS' requirements.


Project Requirement

This project can be completed through two (2) pathways: Workplace
Where you can conduct the training in your current workplace or gain access to a training organisation. For this pathway, you can deliver the training of your choice. Note that you must hold qualifications in your field of choice to conduct training in your workplace.
Where you will be provided a simulated scenario to complete the project. If you choose to complete Project 1 through this pathway, you must conduct the training specified by the Learning Program documentation provided to you.
To complete this project, you need:
• At least one (1) adult learner to participate in the learning program
o If conducting a simulation, your participant must be briefed about the simulated environment before you can conduct a pre-consultation with them.
• Access to relevant stakeholders in the workplace (e.g. supervisor, employer)
o If using a simulated scenario, indicate the job title/position of the required stakeholders in the templates, and conduct the consultation with your assessor.
• Video recording device (e.g. mobile phone with camera, handheld video recorder, etc.) OR a qualified assessor - for candidates completing this project through the simulated pathway
Note: if you are completing the projects with the help of a qualified observer you must request and submit a copy of their qualifications to your assessor.
• Templates enclosed in this workbook

Man Power Training Services

You are a trainer for Man Power Training Services and have been put in charge of training the new administrative team member, Katarina Yeltzin. Your task is to develop and implement, a Work Based Learning Plan for Katarina.

You consult with Katarina's supervisor, Sheila Larsson, and she tells you that Katarina is having trouble sending, recalling, and forwarding emails. Sheila tells you that Katarina can undergo training in the morning in the first hour of her 9AM - 5PM shift.

You visit their workspace one day and briefly observe the administrative team as they complete their tasks. The administrative team use Gmail to send and receive emails about a range of client enquiries. Katarina is in charge of sending acknowledgement emails for general enquiries and sending them off to the correct contact person.

The team does not have their own set of procedures for sending and recalling emails, however, you can access these procedures from Gmail Help to guide your training.

Send or unsend Gmail messages

On the following page, you will find the administrative team's procedures on forwarding emails.

Steps to take

Mapping: TAEDEL402 PC 1.1 (p), 1.2, 1.3 (p), 3.1, 3.2 (p), 3.4, 5.2 (p), PE1.0 (p),2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1 (p), FS1.0 (p),
2.0 (p), 4.0 (p), 5.0 (p), 6.0 (p)
1. Access and complete the Work Based Learning Plan using the information provided in the scenario and details provided in later instructions. Remember to structure the learning activities in a way that will help her best retain information. The template can be accessed below.
Work Based Learning Plan
(Username: learner Password: studyhard)
Mapping: TAEDEL402 PC1.1 (p), 1.3 (p), 2.1, 3.2 (p), 3.3, PE1.0 (p), 3.1, 3.3, FS2.0 (p), 3.0 (p), 6.0 (p)
2. Arrange a consultation session with your learner (volunteer).
Before beginning your consultation session with your volunteer, brief them on the details of the scenario and Katarina's profile.

During your consultation session, run through the details of the Work Based Learning Plan with your learner (volunteer). Explain why you chose the specific techniques or processes to facilitate their learning. Note any suggestions from your learner (volunteer).
At the end of your session, your learner must confirm that they agree with the information in the Work Based Learning Plan and the objectives and scope of the training.
During your session with the learner's, you must demonstrate the use of communication techniques to:
• identify the learner's (volunteer's) needs
• build rapport with the learner (volunteer) You must:
• select appropriate vocabulary for the learner (volunteer)
• adjust language, tone and pace of speech to maintain effective interactions with the learner (volunteer)
• build and maintain engagement with the learner (volunteer)

What are the WHS risks in using work as the basis for learning?

How did you address these WHS risks?

What are the contractual requirements and responsibilities you addressed for the work based training? List at least two (2) requirements and (2) responsibilities.

Briefly explain how you addressed each of these contractual requirements and responsibilities below.

3. Draft an email to Katarina's supervisor, Sheila Larsson, explaining the objectives and scope of the training. Include the details of the training session and any activities you plan on conducting. Do this in the spaces provided for you below.

4. Arrange external learning activities for Katarina.
Research Beginner MS Excel training courses that Katarina can enrol in. In the spaces provided below list the name of the company offering the training, the duration, date and price of the course.

5. Prepare for the session.
Gather the resources you will need for the session, including equipment, learning materials, etc.

6. Conduct the session with your learner (volunteer).


Project Overview
This project requires you to complete the following tasks:
• Develop a work-based learning plan
• Facilitate work-based learning
This project can be completed through a real workplace or simulated scenario. Choose the pathway that best suits your needs.

Project Requirement
This project can be completed through two (2) pathways: Workplace
Where you can conduct the training in your current workplace or gain access to a training organisation. For this pathway, you can deliver the training of your choice. Note that you must hold qualifications in your field of choice to conduct training in your workplace.
Where you will be provided a simulated scenario to complete the project. If you choose to complete Project 1 through this pathway, you must conduct the training specified by the Learning Program documentation provided to you.
To complete this project, you need:
• At least one (1) adult learner to participate in the learning program
o If conducting a simulation, your participant must be briefed about the simulated environment before you can conduct a pre-consultation with them.
• Access to relevant stakeholders in the workplace (e.g. supervisor, employer)
o If using a simulated scenario, indicate the job title/position of the required stakeholders in the templates, and conduct the consultation with your assessor.
• Video recording device (e.g. mobile phone with camera, handheld video recorder, etc.) OR a qualified observer - for candidates completing this project through the simulated scenario
Note: if you are completing the projects with the help of a qualified observer you must request and submit a copy of their qualifications to your assessor.

Man Power Training Services

You are a trainer for Man Power Training Services and are asked to train Milla Alderman on how to use the office scanner. Your task is to develop and implement, a Work Based Learning Plan for Milla.

You consult with Milla's supervisor, Oliver Ritchard, and he tells you that Milla is having trouble using the office scanner. Milla is a new member of the training team and will need to learn how to use the office scanner to complete her daily tasks. Oliver tells you that Milla can undergo training in the morning in the first hour of her 9AM - 5PM shift.

You visit their workspace one day and briefly observe the training team as they complete their tasks. They use the office scanner to send off hand signed documents.

The team does not have their own set of procedures for scanning documents, they use the procedures outlined in the manual for the product.

Guidance: Where possible, use the instructions provided in the manual that comes with your scanner. If you do not have a physical copy of instructions to operate your machine you can look for a copy on the internet, most brands, especially newer models, will have manuals published by their manufacturer.

Attachment:- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM132310462

Questions Cloud

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Explain the purpose of record management systems : TAE40116 - Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - Briefly explain the purpose of record management systems for training records in your organisation
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Prepare R scripts to create the Bar plot and pie chart : Introduction to Data Analytics for Business Assignment - R Basics. Prepare R scripts to create the Bar plot and pie chart



5/22/2019 11:57:24 PM

Assessment is a difficult process – we understand this and have developed a range of assessment kits, such as this, to facilitate a painless process for both the assessor and the learner being assessed. There are a number of characteristics of assessment, ranging from subjective assessment (which is based on opinions and feelings), to objective assessment (which is based clearly on defined processes and specific standards). Nearly all assessment involves a mixture of both types of assessment because it is almost impossible to eradicate the subjectivity humans carry into the process of assessing. The goal in developing and implementing these assessment kits is to work towards the objective end as far as possible and to reduce the degree of opinions and feelings present.

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