Reference no: EM13332127
Your assignment will be to propose a professional architecture blueprint for an innovative e-commerce Website and develop an outline for implementation of such innovative project. The e-commerce Website should be on a newly proposed innovative e-commerce site and not on existing company/site!
Your proposal should include the following sections:
Executive summary -provide a one page summary of the whole project combining all the information provided in the report into a short - "bottom line first" summary.
Introduction - explain the proposed e-commerce Website and how it is new/different than other/or existing Websites
Industry and Competitions - Explain the industry/competitors for the proposed e-commerce Website including major vendors, competitors, suppliers, distributers, etc.
Business Plan Outline - Explain the "eight key elements" of the proposed e-commerce business proposal (see Ch. 2)
IT Architecture Plan -Explain the Information Technology (IT) behind this e-commerce Website. Ensure you properly explain the IT behind the payment collection process including the three sub-categories:
a) Hardware - Make sure to include all the hardware proposed to run such e-commerce Website, if outsourcing, provide details of the hardware provided by the outsourcing company.
b) Software - Make sure to include all the application(s) proposed to drive the shopping-cart, the information security (InfoSec), thepayment collection process, etc
c) Services - Make sure to include all
Interface Blueprint -provide at least four (4) proposed screens (prototype screens - can be designed in PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, PhotoShop, or any tool you wish - provide the images of your proposed screens). The proposed screens should be:
- Proposed homepage prototype
- Proposed product(s) and/or service(s) page(s) prototype
- Proposed first stage of the revenue generating page(s) prototype (i.e. shopping cart)
- Proposed last stage of the revenue generating page(s) prototype (i.e. order confirmation)
Marketing Plan Outline - provide a brief outline a proposed marketing plan for the e-commerce Website
All text in the report should be word-processed (letter or correspondence-quality font), New Times Roman or Calibri, 12 point, double space and standard margins. The report should be at least 15 pages long (including title page, Table of Contents, & Certificate of Authorship), but can be more than that. The following information should also be included:
Title page:
Assignment Name/Topic and Number
Class Name and Number (e.g. MMIS-654 Winter 2014)
Professor's name
Student Name
Due date
The report should also be done professionally and should include:
Table of contents
Page numbers on all pages
Clear and consistent titles on all sections
Certificate of Authorship - Use the certificate provided!
Professional and appealing document is expected! As required by Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, please make sure to document appropriately your references and state it in your own words, or put in quotations.
This case will be graded out of 100 points. This assignment will weight points in your final grade.
The assignment is expected to be completed by the deadline scheduled in the syllabus. If emergency occur, please send an email message to your professor informing that the assignment will not be posted on the due time, prior to the deadline.
Points may be deducted for late submissions.
Please submit the assignment in MS Word format (.docx) to the Blackboard e-Dropbox. A direct link to e-Dropbox is provided in the course menu bar on the left.
Please name the files you upload to e-Dropbox in the following way: LastName_Assignment2.docx.
So for example for John Doe submitting Assignment No. 2 the filename should be: "doe_assignment2.doc"
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Submit his or her own work, not that of another person Not falsify data or records (including admissions materials)
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