Reference no: EM131388424 , Length: word count:2000
Performance Evidence undertaken during practical placement
Task 1 -
You must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.
This task requires you to provide ongoing support for two (2) different colleagues to address stress and emotional wellbeing.
Write a report describing how you monitored the welfare of 2 different colleagues, ensure that you cover all points listed below for each colleague:
Monitor welfare of colleagues
a) Monitor stress and emotional wellbeing of colleagues, and where issues arise, take appropriate action in accordance with organisation standards and procedures
b) Use practices that acknowledge and accept differences and accurately identify diverse needs of colleagues
c) Identify required professional and personal performance standards and use to monitor stress and emotional wellbeing
d) Regularly use self-assessment and reflective behaviour strategies to monitor performance
e) Regularly seek formal and informal performance feedback and act upon it as appropriate
f) Plan appropriately to identify current and potential areas of need within organisation and develop proposals to support these areas
Task 2 -
Facilitate a structured debriefing following an incident involving stress and identify colleagues requiring additional support. Refer in line with organisation guidelines.
Write a report on this session. Describe how you addressed each of the aspects of conducting a structured debriefing below.
Conduct structured debriefings following an incident
a) Plan, prepare and conduct debriefing in line with organisation standards and procedures
b) Schedule debriefing as soon as possible following the incident
c) Conduct debriefing in a safe environment and in a manner that facilitates open discussion
d) Use appropriate debriefing techniques to encourage further exploration of emotions and experiences to assist in reflection on issues
e) Use appropriate questioning to encourage colleagues to explore and acknowledge their concerns
f) Identify indicators of risk to self or others and respond according to the degree and nature of the risk
g) Document and report outcomes of debriefings in accordance with organisation standards and procedures
h) Identify and promptly respond to colleagues needing additional support and refer in accordance with organisation guidelines
Assessment 1 - Policies and Procedures
1. Read an organisation's policy and procedure relating to debriefing and crisis procedures*. From this information,
a. Explain the process for dealing with a crisis situation.
b. Identify and describe the legal and ethical considerations during this process
2. Locate a Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure. From this information:
a. Explain how this can assist you in your work role
b. Discuss if this process can assist in reducing stress levels
Assessment 2 - Debriefing Techniques
This assessment requires you to demonstrate that you have clear understanding of debriefing techniques including how and when to apply these.
You are required to write a short discussion paper using the following headings:
a. Best Practice Interventions
b. Crisis intervention
c. Structured debriefing
d. Use of internal and external referral sources
Assessment 3 - Stress management and the worker
Working in community services like many other workplaces can be stressful. As a professional, you will need to be aware of any significant issues affecting your colleagues and how to respond in these situations.
1. Record how you have noticed that a co-worker is having a significant problem and how you responded. (Assessor is looking for your awareness and knowledge of the best practice in responding to the situation)
2. Explain impact of excessive stress on the individual and the type of stress management that could be implemented to support the person.
3. Explain burn out and what this can mean to the team.
4. Explain the impact of a co-worker dealing with grief and loss.
5. You are at reception with a colleague when a client arrives and is expressing violent or threatening behaviour. Discuss your response and the impact this may have in the future on you and your colleague.
6. Supporting the worker is essential. Research what employee assistance is available both internally and externally to support a worker with difficulties.
Assessment 4 - Work Roles
All organisations have job roles and job descriptions that provide guidelines around roles, responsibilities and boundaries.
1. Locate a job description for a Community Services Worker (There are many that are available. Attach this to the assessment). Based on this information:
a. Explain the role and responsibilities
b. Explain the professional abilities required to undertake the role
c. Discuss the professional boundaries.