Explain the problem using a sociological theory

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Reference no: EM13206019

You are given a social problem and you will have to explain the problem using a sociological theory of your choice. Next, you will develop a hypothesis of the social problem consistent with the theory you have selected. Then you will develop an appropriate research design/study by which you would test your hypothesis. 


Using one of the sociological theories (functionalist, conflict, feminist, or interactionist) in Chapter 1 and the sociological research methods in Chapter 2, examine the social problem of homelessness. To answer this question,

* define the social problem of homelessness [5 pts]
* develop an explanation of the problem using ONE of the four theories mentioned above [15 pts]
* next, develop a hypothesis of the social problem consistent with the theory you are using [25 pts]
* develop an appropriate research design or study by which you would test your hypothesis [30 pts] 

Write your answers in narrative form, in a 2-3 page paper. Papers should be in APA format, which requires a title page, double spacing, and a reference page. Be sure to refer to and cite the course reading in the body of your paper and in the reference list. You are also welcome to incorporate outside sources. This assignment is worth a possible 75 points.

Please Note: This is not an "essay" in which you express your feelings or opinions about the issue. It is an assignment designed to develop a research plan. Before you start, review the chapter on research and methods paying close attention to the part on the scientific method. I strongly suggest that you write your assignment in bullet points addressing each component separately. In other words, define homelessness and state why it is a social problem. Use a theoretical perspective to explain why it is a problem (review the sections on perspectives). Develop a hypothesis, remembering that hypotheses involve variables and cause/effect relationships. Be specific in the research design you would use, including proper terminology. The intent is to assess your ability to reason about social issues, not react to them.

Reference no: EM13206019

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