Explain the principles of communication in networks

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132142707

Content Analysis Assignment


This assignment has three major aims:

- To help students gain good understanding of all ITECH1102 theoretical and practical material.
- To encourage students to use content analysis summaries to prepare for tests, examinations and to help their understanding of theoretical concepts.
- To encourage students to conduct independent investigation into networking related topics from books, the Internet and through practical investigation.

Timelines and Expectations

Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 8 and create concise content analysissummaries of the theoretical concepts contained in the course lecture slides. The content analysis should not exceed six (6) A4 sides of paper.

Where the lab content or information contained in technical articles from the Internet or books helps to fully describe the lecture slide content, discussion of such theoretical articles or discussion of the lab material should be included in the content analysis.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
- K1. Describe and explain the role and function of network connectivity in current computing.
- K2. Describe and explain the principles of communication in networks.
- K3. Describe the role and functionality of hardware and software entities that contribute to network
- K4. Describe and explain the protocols and interactions that implement network communications.
- K6. Describe fundamental aspects of cloud computing.
- A1. Apply networking architecture knowledge to analyse the networking needs for business.

Assessment Details

All work submitted must be authored by the student submitting the work or where material from other sources is included it must be referenced using APA referencing.

Verified Expert

In this assignment we have studied network concepts. Here we studied network design and studied the different concept of networking and we have also studied network devices and analysis of overall assignment and outcome is we have got knowledge of networking design for large and small application

Reference no: EM132142707

Questions Cloud

What challenges are faced when implementing the programs : What are the major challenges confronting correctional administrators who are involved in designing and managing care and treatment programs for adult offenders
A brief description of your leaders daily responsibilities : Write a research paper or approximately 850 words reviewing a leader. This person can be someone with whom you have worked.
Write a brief summary of entitled article : Hormones play a crucial role in shaping the fetal body into either a male- or female-typical body. The brain determines the type and amount of hormones.
Discuss laws and regulations governing the search : You have read and reported on technologies, trends, laws and regulations, handling, and analysis of mobile data.
Explain the principles of communication in networks : ITECH1102 Networking and Security - Describe and explain the role and function of network connectivity in current computing
What is customer average time in the system : What is the average number of customers waiting in line? What is a customer's average time in the system?
How metabolic rate changes with caloric intake : Describe how metabolic rate changes with caloric intake. Then describe at least four influences on body weight. Finally, explain how cultural influences.
Managing health information : What is the role of a health informatics professional in managing health information throughout its life cycle and challenges
Ski-snowboard specialists offer cyberbait to new customers : How can Ski and Snowboard Specialists offer cyberbait to new customers? To returning customers?



11/24/2018 12:25:42 AM

Thank you very much for taking the time out to assist me with completing this assignment within a timely manner. I will apply to this service again in the future. i am really impressed with the hardwork . good points good elaboration. Thanks


10/16/2018 10:17:26 PM

Marking Guidelines Content precisely presented based on references 20 Marks Presentation (Layout, no grammatical errors, reads well, etc.) 5 Marks Cited references 5 Marks Total marks for content analysis assignment 30 Marks Total worth 15 Marks


10/16/2018 10:17:21 PM

Submission Students should submit a single word or pdf file. By the start of Week 10, all students should have completed their content analysis. Students are required to submit their content analysis to Moodle by Friday, 19, 17:00.

Write a Review

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