Explain the possible legal and financial consequences

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Reference no: EM133827547 , Length: word count:3500

Health & Safety in The Engineering Workplace - BTEC Level 3 in Engineering

Coursework - Legislation & hazards

Assessment criteria:
1 P1 explain the key features of relevant regulations on health and safety as applied to a working environment in two selected or given engineering organisations.
2 P2 describe the roles and responsibilities under current health and safety legislation and regulations, of those involved in two selected or given engineering organisations
3 P3 explain the key features of the relevant legislation and EU directives, with regard to environmental management
4 P4 explain the requirements for the safe disposal of waste
5 P5 describe the methods used to identify hazards in a working environment
6 M1 explain the consequences of management not abiding by legislation and regulations and carrying out their roles and responsibilities in a given health and safety situation
7 M2 explain the consequences of management not abiding by legislation and regulations when carrying out their roles and responsibilities, with regard to environmental management
8c D1 assess the extent to which legislation and regulations are satisfied in a given health and safety situation
8ab D2 justify the methods used to deal with hazards in accordance with workplace policies and legal requirements

Case Scenario: You have been employed as a Health & Safety engineer within a large engineering organisation. You are assisting in the development of specific materials that will be used for the training and development of personnel in a variety of different departments in relation to; current legislation, roles/responsibilities, environmental management, waste disposal and hazards. To prepare for this role your manager has asked that you complete a number of tasks which are very relevant to operations within your organisation.

Assessment Tasks
In this task you are required to investigate one mechanical and one electrical type working environments (i.e. 2 separate work environments). You can use your own place of work or the following suggested workplaces but it MUST BE 2 SEPARATE ORGANISATIONS.

Mechanical Work Environment
Operations at an automotive manufacturing company such as Jaguar cars. Have an inside look at the manufacturing of Jaguar cars through this interesting video clip

Identify 2 relevant Health & Safety Regulations that apply in this workplace.
Explain 2 key features for each of these 2 regulations that make them relevant here in this situation. (150 words)

Electrical Work Environment
A domestic electrical rewiring operation: which can be viewed through the following video clip

Electrical work activities can be viewed through the following video clip

Identify 2 relevant Health & Safety Regulations that apply in this workplace.
Explain 2 key features for each of these 2 regulations that make them relevant here in this situation. (150 words)

Guidance: There should be 4 different regulations (not RIDDOR) and a total of 8 key features applied to the 2 work situations. You may reference the HSE website: www.hse.gov.uk and any other relevant source of information.
You must apply each of your key features to your chosen workplace i.e., to what specific activity/machine in the workplace does the key feature apply to and how? If your answer can be applied to any mechanical/electrical workplace, then it is too generic.

For each of the two different work environments used in Task 1, and using the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 as the source of legislation, describe, in your own words, the roles and responsibilities of those involved and listed here below:

Employers (100 words)
Employees (100 words)
Subcontractors (100 words)
Health and Safety Executive (100 words)

Guidance: Provide some specific examples in order to apply your answers to the work environments chosen. You may reference appropriate sources, including the HSE website

The UK is committed to maintaining environmental standards and continues to apply the existing successful model of integrated pollution control. The EU Withdrawal Act 2018 maintains established environmental principles and ensures that existing EU environmental law will continue to have effect in UK law. Get Instant Answers to this problem!
Considering environmental management, select only 1 of the following to address:
water pollution
air emissions

Explain 2 key features from 1 piece of relevant UK legislation (e.g. UK PPC Act) and 2 key features from the related EU directive (e.g. the industrial emissions directive).
Consider a manufacturing company of your choice (such as Jaguar cars). How does this workplace contribute to the pollution type you have selected (i.e., what activities, processes, materials do they engage which produce emissions or water pollution?) and what should management do to ensure these activities comply with the legislation you have explained?

Consider a manufacturing workplace of your choice. Explain, with reference to appropriate waste legislation, the requirements for the safe disposal of waste for this workplace. In your answer, identify at least two different types of waste this workplace will produce and how management should safely dispose of these.
Guidance: You may reference appropriate environmental legislation sources E.g

Risk Assessments are where hazards present in the workplace are recorded and assessed for risk level. Companies must complete risk assessments regularly to comply with legislation and to help understand and improve the health and safety situation in their workplace. To effectively complete a risk assessment, hazards must first be identified in the workplace.
Describe two different methods that could be used in the workplace to identify hazards that are present (NOT long-term hazards or non-routine operations).
Consider a workplace of your choice. For each identification method you have given in part a, give an example of a particular hazard that could be identified using this method.

Task 6
Scenario: The Managing Director of a small engineering company has sought your advice. An employee has broken their arm falling through a walkway barrier which was not secured properly to the ground. At the time of the incident there was no-one on the premises trained in first aid and the first aid box could not be found.
For the above scenario, identify 2 relevant Health & Safety pieces of legislation and a specific regulation from each that was breached here. Explain how they were breached in this scenario.
Explain the possible legal and financial consequences to company management for not abiding by the requirements of these regulations.

Guidance: When considering the possible consequences, aim to give at least 4-5 consequences and be as specific as possible e.g., rather than just saying "fines and expenses" which is too vague to paint the picture for management, you want to consider how much a fine might be and what expenses may occur exactly. Reference with page numbers if appropriate, legislation sources, including the HSE website:

Task 7
Developing your work in task 3, explain the possible legal and financial consequences of management not abiding by legislation and regulations when carrying out their roles and responsibilities, with regard to environmental management.
Provide ‘snip images' of 2 of the regulations that you reference in your answer.

Guidance: As with task 6, try to give at least 4-5 consequences, being as specific as possible. You may reference appropriate environmental legislation sources e.g.

Task 8
Implementing control measures into a workplace normally requires investment in resources, time and money e.g. training, modifications to machinery, barriers, PPE, etc

Providing at least 4 examples of safety controls from task 1 videos, or your own workplace, identify and justify the control measures against potential hazards, with respect to resources, time and money required.

Support your part a control measures and justifications with reference to specific HSE safety policies/guides/regulations (e.g. EWR reg 2.1)

In a separate report, assess the extent to which legislation and regulations are satisfied in this health and safety situation (i.e., what has been done well and what could be improved?)

Guidance: For your justifications, why is this control measure justified given the time, cost and effort it takes to implement, versus the actual impact it has on the reduction of risk? A business owner will not spend money unnecessarily unless the risk and potential cost of not doing something outweighs the cost of implementing it e.g. how expensive is the control to put in place? What could be the potential cost/consequences if they don't implement it?

Your references also need to be references to the specific part of the regulation (i.e which exact paragraph?) that supports your justification, or the specific HSE reference.

Reference no: EM133827547

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