Reference no: EM131166520
There are two assignments Assignment 1: Part 1 and 2 and Assignment 2
Assignment 1:
Part 1 - Short answer questions
1. Why do database rocessing and dcument processig need each other?
2. Explain the phase standarized but customizable.
3. What is SOAP? What did itstand for originally? What oes it stand for today?
4. What is a DTD and what pupose does it serve?
5. What is the differene between a well-formedXML documentand a type-valid XML document?
6. Explain the use f the pattern {item, action} in the processing of an XSL document.
7. How does XMLSchema diffr from DTD?
8. Explain the difference etween simple and cmplex elements.
9. Explain the differece between elementsand attributes.
10. When would you use FOR XML EXPLICIT?
11. What is the importane of the order of tables in an SQL sttement that uses FOR XML?
12. Explain, in your wn words, why SL with FOR XML annot be used to construct an XML document having two multivalue paths.
13. Why is the lmitation in question 12.25 important?
14. Explain, in you own words, why XML is imrtant to atabase processing.
15. Why is XML Scema important for nterorganizational document sharing?
16. What are BI systems?
17. How do I systes differ from transaction processing systems?
18. Name and decribethe two maincatgories of BI systems.
19. What is dirty How do dirty data arise?
20. Why is server tim not useful for eb-based rder entry BI applications?
21. What is clickstream data? How is it ued i BI applications?
22. Why are data arehouses necessary?
23. Why do the authors describe the dta in Figure 135 as "frightening?"
24. What i a measure?
25. What is a dimesion tae? What type of data arestored in dimension tables?
Part 2 - Conduct research about database application.
Database are one of the important in the world oday, especially given the significance of data networks. Using Internet, books, magazines and other, find the to these questions:
•What impact does applications havebusiness and society?
•What are the critical changes ad/or trends taing place in the design and implementations of database aplications today?
•What are the most difficul problems or challenges faced by tese applications right now?
•What are the some of the exciting developments in hese that may come to fruition in the near future?
The Internet affords access authoritative sources. Some trade you might want to consult are the following: Network World, Nework Computing, Persona Comuterworld, Computer Weekly, Datamation, eWeek, InfoWrld, Wired, Technology Reiew, Internet Week, Wireless Business and Technology.
Write an essay that responds to the questions above and incorprates concepts from the course.
Product: 6 page paper with bibliography (Reference Page).
Assignment 2:
You will write a 5 page APA formatted research paperon how to desig a Windows 2012 High Availility infrastructure. You need to use minimum of 3 periodials to support your paper. Your paper must have a strng introduction and conclusion alog with a title page and a reference page.