Explain the pathophysiology of a condition

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Reference no: EM131634896

General Instructions:

Listed below are 3 case studies.

Answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible for EACH of the case studies.

What risk factors may have predisposed this patient to this condition? (List all possible risk factors)

Explain the pathophysiology of this condition.

List the prognosis of this condition, along with any possible complications. (Note: You may need to do additional research outside of your textbook to best answer these questions!)

Each correct case study will be worth 8 points, and 1 point will be awarded for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and formatting.

You should upload your responses to this drop box by the due date indicated in your syllabus. (All three case studies must be submitted to the drop box as one document.)

Case Studies:

1. At age 13, Mr. B had a skiiing accident fracturing his left femur. This fracture was slow to heal and resulted in his left leg being slightly shorter than his right. Now at age 24 he is experiencing pain in his hips with jogging, and limited range of motions. Radiographs and MRI indicate changes consistent with osteoarthritis.

2. During breast self-examiniation, Mrs. C, 42 years old, discovered a small, firm, non-tender nodule in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast. A biopsy confirmed malignancy, and the lump was removed as well as a number of axillary lymph nodes. Although only one lymph node included malignant cells, it was recommended that the patient continue with chemotherapy and radiation.

3. Mr. N., 55 years of age, arrives at the ER with severe chest pain. He appears very anxious, and his facial skin is cool and clammy. His blood pressure is 90/60, and his pulse is around 90, weak, and irregular. After ECG and bloodwork, it is determined that Mr. N. is having a myocardial infarction involving the left ventricle.

Reference no: EM131634896

Questions Cloud

Discuss various perspectives on adjudication of young people : Discuss the various perspectives on adjudication and sentencing of young people who are involved in serious offenses.
Describe strategy and tools that are available to agencies : Describe the strategy, tactics, and tools that are available to agencies within the U. S. to perform counterterrorism operation as well as the strategy.
Expalin the consumption-saving decision : How would a decrease in expected interest rates over one's working life affect one's intertemporal budget constraint? How would it affect one's consumption.
Write a report on decreasing cautis in health care setting : Write a report on decreasing CAUTIs in health care setting. I have to identify resources needed for the proposed solution's implementation.
Explain the pathophysiology of a condition : What risk factors may have predisposed this patient to this condition
How did nazi racial policies result in the holocaust : How did Nazi racial policies result in the Holocaust? Why did so many Germans, French, and Eastern Europeans participate willingly in the Holocaust?
Define the political values - liberty and equality : Define the following political values: liberty, equality, and freedom. How do you think these values affect political choices that our government leaders make
What does job analysis focus on the job and not the person : What does job analysis focus on the job and not person? Competency models focus on how objectives are accomplished rather than what is accomplished, explain?
What are the major factors of the intertemporal : According to the model of intertemporal choice, what are the major factors which determine how much saving an individual will do?


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