Explain the paper to earn mastery credit

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Reference no: EM133225626


  1. As last time, the document should be , one inch margins, PDF file format, name included at the top of the document. Include both the revised version  and the new draft of Part 3 in your document with bold headings that say Part 3'.  You should also include a brief cover letter (no more than one page) which addresses how you arrived at the topic for Part 3, any questions you'd like me to address in my feedback, and if you are aiming to receive credit for mastery of a course topic (more on this below).
  2. Topic. You should identify a topic of interest that intersects in some way with at least one of the core course topics (Philosophy of Linguistics, Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Language Acquisition) and  introduction/literature review on that topic to an audience of your peers. We will devote some in-class time to identifying a topic but please also feel free to use office hours to explore topic ideas with me! Remember that your topic needs to be narrow and defined enough to fit in 1000-1500 words! Some potential starting points are given below:
    • How does [course topic] work in [specific language / context]?
      • How do you study phonetics of American Sign Language?
      • How is morphology in German different from English?
      • How is syntax of African American English different from Standardized Academic English?
    • What did we not fully cover or address in [course topic]?
      • How do you draw syntax trees for questions?
      • What women were involved in the cognitive revolution?
    • How does [course topic] cross over with [other thing I'm interested in]? (It will be especially helpful to meet with me for these types of questions!)
      • How do virtual assistants like Siri understand speech? How is it similar or different to humans? [though, this question might be too big for this assignment]
      • What aspects of Korean pronunciation are particularly difficult for do English-speaking college student learners? Why?
  3. Mastery. You can try to use this paper to earn mastery credit for one of our core course topics. If this is the case, please address it in your cover letter so that I can provide direct feedback on this draft on whether you have shown sufficient evidence of mastery. It will probably also be helpful to meet with me in office hours while you are coming up with a topic so that we can come to an understanding of what should be addressed
  4. Documentation. You probably should be incorporating one or two primary or secondary sources for this portion of your paper. When providing citations, you may use  for references and citations (and feel free to come to office hours with questions about what and how to include citations if you have them).

Reference no: EM133225626

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Write a Review

Other Subject Questions & Answers

  What research supports the theories and concepts

You are required to submit a scholarly paper in which you will identify, describe, research, and apply the concepts that underlie your personal philosophy.

  How did the court influence public policy with their rulings

Write a comparison of the role of the court in gay rights and the role of the court in a similarly controversial issue. How did the court influence public.

  Discuss the premise and key components of the theory

A brief description of the premise and key components of the theory you selected. You should be thorough and concise in this section and not spend the bulk.

  Evidence with individual or class characteristics

What forensic examination(s) should be performed on that evidence? Do these examinations result in evidence with individual or class characteristics?

  Behaviorism and organizational psychology

Discuss some of the differences and relationships between behaviorism and organizational psychology. Why do you think Organizational Behavior has tried to accommodate both?

  Knowledge of abuse of political prisoners

Knowledge of the abuse of political prisoners in North Korea and other dictatorial regimes is widespread.

  What are your goals for professional development

Write your personal philosophy of nursing. The essay is to be typewritten and double-spaced (1,000 words) and should include the following: How are the domains

  What are the measures for preventing food-borne illness

What are the procedures that a local health department might use for investigating an outbreak of food-borne illness?

  Intelligence versus wisdom

Illustrations of the difference between intelligence and wisdom are usually simple to find in the news.

  Examine the health-illness continuum

Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective is important to consider in relation to health and the human experience when caring.

  Model code of ethics for educators

An educator is also the baseball coach at the school. Include evidence from the Model Code of Ethics for Educators and Professional Dispositions of Learners.

  Youth victimization-prevalence and implications

Summarize the "Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications" report. In your assignment, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this study.

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