Explain the overall purpose of coaching to colleagues

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133178735

Skills Test:

In this Task, you will assume the role of the Operational Manager. The following four staff member profiles have hit your desk, and you have been asked to review, evaluate and provide appropriate coaching/training to resolve the issues.

For this exercise, you will pair up with four other students, assigning designated roles to each person. At the conclusion of the scenario, each student will switch with the other students to ensure everyone experiences each role fully. If there is an insufficient number of students, the trainer will assume multiple roles for the scenario, rotating roles at the conclusion of each exercise. If the student is required to participate in multiple roles for the exercise, they will also switch after each round, of the role-play scenario.

• Huiqi Li - a wait staff member
o She is from mainland China
o Doesn't speak much and seems does not have many friends at work
Seems to become quite flustered when confronted with an argumentative situation

• Greg Little - 1st-year chef apprentice
Constantly telling new people how to carry out their tasks
Does not have the required experience, knowledge and/or training to teach others and is constantly being reminded on how to perform tasks that he has already been trained on.
Several new staff members have had ongoing performance issues due to bad habits they have picked up from Greg
In particular, Greg often fails to properly wash his hand, if at all, when moving between different
types of produce. Training/coaching on legislative and organisational requirements to rectify this are a minimum of 5 hours.

• Amanda Chase - 2nd-year chef apprentice
o Seems never to manage to sync her food delivery with other preparing different components
o Is quick to anger and blame others for taking too long and not knowing what she is doing
o Always seems to overcook prawns and always that is the fault of the recipe and nothing to do with her skills
o Feels that she has learnt everything there is to know and that she is being held back by inferior recipes and staff members.

• Aman Cavendish - new chef apprentice (in his first month)
Initially received some direction forhis colleague Greg, when he first began
Produces solid results but feels he has gaps in his processes, knowledge and methods
Has requested that he be given coaching, in an attempt, to prevent further bad habits from forming and learn the correct process.
An example of this that Aman has highlighted is not understanding which equipment is used for which products to prevent contamination and how it needs to be treated to eliminate contamination.

Part One:

Task 1: Prepare for on-the-job coaching.

Subtask 1.1: In this task, you are required to identify the need for coaching based on the following range of factors:
• Direction from colleagues
• Own observation and workplace experience
• Request for coaching from colleague to be coached. Using the information provided in the scenario to identify the need for coaching for following colleague members:
• Huiqi Li
• Greg Little
• Amanda Chase
• Aman Cavendish Document your response in the coaching needs template given below and backup your assessment by providing appropriate reasoning.

Subtask 1.2: In this task, you are required to arrange a meeting with your colleagues. The following will be the participants of the meeting:
• You
• Huiqi Li
• Greg Little
• Amanda Chase
• Aman Cavendish

The agenda of the meeting is to identify specific coaching needs through discussion with colleagues.

Before the meeting, you need to:
• Prepare meeting agenda using the template provided.
During the meeting, you need to:
• Apply questioning and listening techniques to check or confirm understanding.
• Discuss:
Specific coaching needs of the following colleagues:
Huiqi Li
• Greg Little
• Amanda Chase
• Aman Cavendish
o Findings of coaching need document which you have prepared in subtask 1.1
o Availability for coaching sessions
o Areas where greater cooperation would yield benefits.
• Request feedback from participants.
• Gain support.
• Agree on ways to achieve greater cooperation in the areas identified.
• Agree to make refinements, if any, considering their feedback.
Huiqi Li. Greg Little, Amanda Chase and Aman Cavendish will:
• Huiqi Li will express the following coaching needs:
o Coaching to overcome language and cultural barriers
o Coaching to overcome shyness and lack of confidence.
• Greg Little will convey that he is in no need of any coaching
• Amanda Chase will convey that she is in no need of any coaching
• Aman Cavendish will express the following coaching needs:
Coaching about processes, knowledge and methods of cooking
o Food handling procedures.
• Share their availability:
o Huiqi Li: Monday and Tuesday, 11 AM - 02 PM
o Greg Little: Thursday, 03 PM - 05 AM
o Amanda Chase: Friday, 10 AM - 01 PM
c Aman Cavendish: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 01 PM - 04 PM.
• Complete the specific coaching needs document whose template is provided below
After the meeting, you must complete the following using provided templates and review specific coaching document:
• Minutes-of-Meeting.
• Coaching session plan

Task 2: Coach colleagues on-the-job

Subtask 2.1: In this task, you will invite the following colleagues and will explain the overall purpose of coaching to colleagues with the help of a presentation:
• Huiqi Li
• Greg Little
• Amanda Chase
• Aman Cavendish
The presentation must cover the following:
• Session details like:
o Location
o Coaching objectives
• How coaching will serve following overall purpose:
o Increased engagement
o Deeper Level of Learning
o Build Personal Awareness
o Improving Specific Skills
o Building Self-belief
o Driving results

Subtask 2.2: In this task, you will coach fellow colleagues on the job by demonstrating following during each of the coaching activities:
• Clear communication
• Demonstration of organisational task requirement
• Respecting commercial time constraint (colleagues' availability)
• Application of the following key principles of training.:
o explanation
o demonstration
o review
o listening to trainee explanation
o observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
o providing feedback
At the end of the task, you are required to complete a given self-evaluation template.

Part A: To coach Huiqi Li, you are required to perform the following activities:
• Explain and demonstrate the following specific skills:
• Tricks and techniques to overcome language and cultural barriers
• Tricks and techniques to overcome shyness and lack of confidence.
• Communicate how these skills will help Huiqi Li to improve her customer service skills and check Huiqi Li understanding about customer service
• Advise the following organisation procedures related to customer services:
o Listen to Your Customers
o Be Helpful-Regardless of Profit
o Take the Extra Step
o Throw in Something Extra
o Smile
• Provide Huiqi Li with an opportunity to practice skills
• Provide feedback to Huiqi Li in a constructive and supportive manner.

Part B: To coach Greg Little, you are required to perform the following activities:
• Explain and demonstrate the following specific skills:
Personal hygiene for food handlers
Interpersonal skills
• Communicate how these skills will help Greg Little to improve his professional aura and win some friends and check Greg Little understanding about interpersonal skills
• Advise the following organisation procedures related to personal hygiene for food handlers: wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling food, and wash and dry them again frequently during work
dry your hands with a clean towel, disposable paper towel or under an air dryer never smoke. chew gum, spit, change a baby's nappy or eat in a food handling or food storage area
never cough or sneeze over food, or where food is being prepared or stored
wear clean protective clothing, such as an apron
keep your spare clothes and other personal items (including mobile phones) away from where
food is stored and prepared
- tie back or cover long hair
• keep fingernails short, so they are easy to clean and don't wear nail polish because it can chip into the food avoid wearing jewellery, or only wear plain-banded rings and sleeper earrings completely cover all cuts and wounds with a wound strip or bandage (brightly coloured waterproof bandages are recommended) wear disposable gloves over the top of the wound strip if you have wounds on your hands change disposable gloves regularly
• Provide Greg Little with the opportunity to practice skills
• Provide feedback to Greg Little in a constructive and supportive manner.

Part C: To coach Amanda Chase, you are required to perform the following activities:
• Explain and demonstrate the following specific skills:
• Anger management
Time management
• Communicate how these skills will help Amanda Chase to improve her cooking skills and check Amanda
Chase understanding about time management
• Advise the following organisation procedures related to time management:
• Have a plan for what you want to accomplish
o Break tasks into reasonable units
o Prioritise tasks and refuse inessential tasks
• Delegate if possible
• Provide Amanda Chase with the opportunity to practice skills
• Provide feedback to Amanda Chase in a constructive and supportive manner.

Part D: To coach Aman Cavendish, you are required to perform the following activities:
• Explain and demonstrate the following specific skills:
o Food handling
- Cross-contamination preventive practices
• Communicate how these skills will help Aman Cavendish to improve her cooking skills and check Aman
Cavendish understanding about cross-contamination
• Advise the following organisation procedures related to cross-contamination preventive practices:
o Use separate equipment.
o Each type of food should be prepped and handled with a separate piece of equipment.
o Use one set of cutting boards, utensils and containers for raw poultry.
o Use another set for raw meat,
o Use the third set for production.
o Use coloured cutting boards and utensil handles to help keep equipment separate
o If this system is not possible, prep food at different times.
o Clean and sanitize all work surfaces.
o All work surfaces, equipment and utensils should be cleaned and sanitized after each task.
o Simply rinsing equipment is not enough to eliminate pathogens that can contaminate food
• Provide Aman Cavendish with an opportunity to practice skills
• Provide feedback to Aman Cavendish in a constructive and supportive manner.

Task 3: Follow-up coaching

Subtask 3.1: In this task, you are required to arrange a meeting with your colleagues. The following will be the participants of the meeting:
• You
• Huiqi Li
• Greg Little
• Amanda Chase
• Aman Cavendish
The agenda of the meeting is to monitor the progress of new workplace skills and provide supportive assistance. Before the meeting, you need to:
• Prepare meeting agenda using the template provided.
During the meeting, you need to:
• Apply questioning and listening techniques to check or confirm understanding.
• Ask:
o At least ask two questions to Huiqi Li to check her improve understanding about customer service
o At least ask two questions to Greg Little to check his improve understanding about personal hygiene
o At least ask two questions to Amanda Chase to check his improve understanding about time management
o At least ask two questions to Aman Cavendish to check his improve understanding about cross-contamination preventive practices
• Request feedback from participants.
• Gain support.
Huiqi Li, Greg Little, Amanda Chase and Aman Cavendish will:
• Answer questions to demonstrate their understanding.

Subtask 3.2: In this task, you are required to analysis progress monitoring report which you have prepared it subtask 3.1 to identify performance problems or difficulties with coaching and suggest rectification measures.
Performance problems or difficulties may include the following:
• breakdown in communication
• inappropriate circumstances for coaching
• insufficient opportunity to practise
• language or cultural barriers
• shyness or lack of confidence.

Subtask 3.3: In this task, you are required to draft an email to your supervisor. The purpose of this email is to:
• Inform supervisor about the progress made by fellow colleagues using monitoring report which you have prepared in subtask 3.1
• Refer analysis report to supervisor for follow-up.

Verified Expert

The core premise of this exercise was to reinvigorate the culture of improving the quality of human resources within an organization. It starts with the focused identification of areas of improvement of the individuals, followed by a culture of need-based design of training framework. The organization should strive to make training an essential part of their operations to have more workplace cohesion, better efficiency, and improved employee engagement.

Reference no: EM133178735

Questions Cloud

What is the total fixed delivery costs incurred last year : What is the total delivery costs incurred by the company last year? What is the total fixed delivery costs incurred last year
Common learning themes : Reread the New Business Realities and the Thinking Habits of Mind, Heart, and Imagination, linked in the Resources.
Terms of impact on the company performance : What do you see as the possible outcome from policy revision in terms of impact on the company's performance?
Examine leadership skills and characteristics : Self-Reflection: Self-assess your experience as an interviewer. What seemed to work? What did not work? What would you do differently next time?
Explain the overall purpose of coaching to colleagues : Evaluate and provide appropriate coaching/training to resolve the issues - rotating roles at the conclusion of each exercise. If the student is required
Implementation in light of erisa and hipaa provisions : Briefly discuss this program and its implementation in light of ERISA and HIPAA provisions.
Why employees tend to leave organizations : Discuss several of the reasons why employees tend to leave organizations. what measures can be taken to assess the morale of current employees,
Prevent similar incidents from occurring in future : Recommend two measures that the HR departments of colleges and universities should take to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
Specific roles during organizational change process : it is critical that employees be assigned specific roles during an organizational change process.


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