Explain the organizational authentication technology

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13669122

- Identify and describe the organizational authentication technology and network security issues.

- Make a list of access points internal and external (remote).

- Design a secure authentication technology and network security for GFI.

- Make assumptions for any unknown facts.

- List all known vulnerabilities you can identify in this environment and address them by proposing a new design. You may use any combination of technologies to harden authentication process and network security measures.

- Address the CEO's concern over the mobility security and design a secure mobile computing (smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) in terms of authentication technologies and data protection.

- Identify wireless vulnerabilities and recommend what safeguards, authentication technologies, and network security to protect data should be implemented.

- Design a cloud computing environment for the company with a secure means of data protection at rest, in motion and in process.

Reference no: EM13669122

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