Explain the nature and necessity of scientific revolutions

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Reference no: EM133626058


1. Brown wrote the article entitled, "Socializing Medical Research." Reiss wrote a response, "Meanwhile Why Not Biomedical Capitalism?" Imagine Brown were given the chance to respond to Reiss's response article. How would Brown defend himself against Reiss's objections? You may make this as an essay answer or as a dialogue between Brown and Reiss. You do not need to illustrate it.

2. Explain the following concepts from Kuhn's "The Nature and Necessity of Scientific Revolutions:" paradigm, normal science, and revolutionary science. How would you object to Kuhn's claims about paradigm shifts? Apply your objection to a paradigm shift or one you know about on your own.

3a. Explain Winch's argument about the scientific status of Azande practices. How would Thagard respond to this? Would Thagard agree or disagree with Winch, and why? You may write this as an essay or as a dialogue between Winch and Thagard. Once again, you do not need to illustrate it

3b. Nagel claims that ID theory and naturalism are either scientific claims or they are both religious claims. Explain. Then, explain how Nagel's overarching argument is circular. (Hint: For the circular argument question, pay attention to how Nagel defines his terms. Generally, the easiest way to figure out what Nagel is saying is to read AHT's summary of Nagel in their response.)

4. Write both parts of an Ideological Turing Test in response to Lengbeyer's "Defending Limited Non-Deference to Science Experts" article.

Reference no: EM133626058

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