Explain the modly performance and action

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Reference no: EM133215486

Principles applied to Captain Brett Crozier's leadership were Justice, Respect to others, and Honesty. The leadership of Captain Brett Crozier is an example of how the principle of justice can be used, given that he was attempting to shield his crew from the effects of the coronavirus and guarantee that they would be able to go back to their families. He believed that it was unfair to put them in danger by keeping them on the ship, and he was willing to sacrifice his own career to ensure that they were safe. He felt that it was not fair to put them in danger by keeping them on the ship.

The leadership of Captain Brett Crozier exemplifies the principle of respect for others since he valued his crew and their right to have a secure place of employment. He made it a point to speak with them in an open and honest manner, and he was willing to put his own professional reputation on the line in order to shield them from harm. The leadership of Captain Brett Crozier exemplifies the concept of establishing trustworthy relationships with subordinates, as seen by the fact that he was able to establish such a relationship with his crew. He communicated with them in an open and honest manner, and he was willing to give up his own career in order to shield them.

Principles applied to Thomas Modly's leadership was none. Modly's performance and action did not convey a commitment to principle of ethical leadership.

Northouse, P. G. (2020). Leadership: Theories & practice (9th ed.). SAG 


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Reference no: EM133215486

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