Reference no: EM131910938
Short Answer 1
Write a 4-to 5-sentence description of each of the followingaccrediting and regulatory bodies, including an explanation of its purpose:
• National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
• National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA)
Short Answer 2
Explain the minimum programming requirements for your state. Provide a citation indicating where you found the information. (1-2 paragraphs)
Short Answer 3
Imagine you are starting a new early childhood care center. Summarize the licensure requirements for your state and provide the website or citation where you found the licensure requirements. (1 paragraph)
Short Answer 4
Summarize the annual inspection requirements for your state. Provide a citation indicating where you found the information. (1 paragraph)
Short Answer 5
Describe the following codes and regulations that must be met prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy from the local government.(1 paragraph each)
a. Zoning codes
b. Fire safety regulations
c. Building codes
d. Sanitation codes
Short Answer 6
Explain the importance of criminal background checks and health screenings and how they apply to legal requirements for staffing early childhood care programs. (2-3 paragraphs)
Short Answer 7
Explain the responsibility of each childcare professional to act as a mandated reporter. (3-4 paragraphs)
Be sure to address:
• In what instances are staff members required to report information to the state government?
• How might staff members be legally liable if they fail to report incidents?
Short Answer 8
Explain the guidelines surrounding proper hygiene techniques and sanitation as they relate to spills of bodily fluids, toilet training, and diapering. (2-3 paragraphs)
Short Answer 9
Imagine you are an early childhood program administrator.One early childhood professional in your center has complained about the extra work involved in pursuing NAEYC accreditation.Explain the purpose and importance of early childhood program accreditation to this teacher.(2–3 paragraphs)
Short Answer 10
Describe at least two of the following trainings and educational programs that are available to administrators of early childhood programs.(1 paragraph each)
a. Child Development Associate (CDA) credential
b. Degree programs that are recognized by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
c. Head Start Management Fellows program
Short Answer 11
Explain how conducting an early childhood care center self-study, as part of the accreditation process, can help improve the quality of early childhood programming. (2-3 paragraphs)
Short Answer 12
Explain the steps that must be taken during a child's first 90days of enrollment in a Head Start program to assess their health and developmental needs.Explain why these steps are important to promoting high-quality experiences for children and families.(3-5 paragraphs)
Be sure to address:
• What screenings must be conducted?
• What consultations regarding physical and mental health must be conducted with parents?
• How does the assessment of a child's health impact the individualization of their educational program?
Short Answer 13
What is the Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)? How can it be used by early childhood programs to improve upon the minimum standards set by state licensing regulations, and what are some benefits and challenges associated with this system? (3-4 paragraphs)