Explain the methods used in recruitmentbriefly describe the

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Reference no: EM13370047

Explain the methods used in recruitment

Briefly describe the organization

Describe the nature of recruitment, as well as of the methods used in recruitment, in the organization

Identify key issues that the organization faces in recruitment, and assess how well its current recruitment methods address those issues.
Based on your analysis, make three recommendations to improve the recruiting methods currently in use.

Explain the organization and a key aspect of its strategy.

Explain an HR program that would support and further its strategy and effectiveness - this should be a compensation, recruiting, selection, coaching/training/development, or diversity program.

Prepare at least one strategic metric that could be used to assess the effectiveness of that program.

Show how this relates to the organization's strategy, and how it might differ from a benchmarking metric for the same program.

Reference no: EM13370047

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