Reference no: EM131962121
Address the question in as much detail as you can and reason things out as fully as possible. Be sure to address each part of the question.
(1) Explain the method of doubt and Descartes's main reasons for adopting it. Is the method well-suited to Descartes's purposes? Is it good for other purposes: for example, use in everyday life or a court of law?
(2) Descartes gives three arguments against knowledge: one about misperception (or "deception by the senses"), one about dreams, and one about an "evil demon". Explain any one of these arguments and how it calls some of our knowledge into question (be sure to say which kind/kinds of knowledge it calls into question). Finally, explain why, according to Descartes, the argument does not call into question the statement ‘I exist'.
(3) Explain Hume's copy principle. Then explain the missing shade of blue example and how it relates to the copy principle. Do you personally find the copy principle plausible? Why or why not?
(4) Provide a circular justification of induction (one of those discussed in lecture) and explain why it is circular. Suppose one were to then conclude that every justification of induction is circular on the basis of that one circular justification. Would that be a good argument against induction? Would more instances of circular justifications strengthen that argument against induction?
(5) Explain Anselm's "ontological argument" for the existence of God and Guanilo's parody of it. Who gets the best of this debate, Anselm or Guanilo? Why?
Government borrowing and deficit finance
: In your answer discuss the intergenerational effects of deficits and the impact of deficits on saving, investment, interest rates, and economic growth.
How the ancient world contributed significant ideas
: Reflect on how the ancient world contributed significant ideas about government, law, religion, and the role of the individual to later societies.
Compute all of the materials and labor variances
: Raw materials inventories, therefore, can be ignored. (a) Compute all of the materials and labor variances. (Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 125.)
Determining the economics of health
: Hey so the question relates to economics of health. In chapter 2 we learned about efficiency (technical efficiency, cost-effective efficiency
Explain the method of doubt and descartess main reasons
: Explain Anselm's "ontological argument" for the existence of God and Guanilo's parody of it. Who gets the best of this debate, Anselm or Guanilo? Why?
Value of environmental and natural resources
: "Willingness to pay" and "willingness to accept" estimates of the value of environmental and natural resources often can vary by a factor of up to 10.
What is an open access resource
: What is an "open access resource"? Why do open access resources often exhibit what is known as the problem of the "tragedy of the commons"?
What would be the approximate change in equity of the fund
: Using the duration information, what would be the approximate change in the equity of the fund if interest rates decrease to 5% at all maturities?
How the concepts of willingness to pay
: Explain how the concepts of willingness to pay and implicit cost may be related to each other.