Explain the medical and social model of disability

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Reference no: EM132351950

Responding to the Advocacy Needs of Different Groups of People

Learning outcomes

1 Make advocacy accessible to individuals and different groups

1.1 Identify factors which prevent different groups of  people from accessing advocacy support

1.2 Use a range of strategies to make advocacy accessible to different groups

2 Define social exclusion

2.1 Summarise the key components of social exclusion

2.2 Explain the impact of social exclusion on different groups of people

3 Explain the medical and social model of disability

3.1 Describe the medical and social model of disability

3.2 Explain how the medical and social model impacts on an individual

3.3 Explain how an advocate can use the medical and social model of disability within the advocacy relationship

4 Promote diversity

4.1 Explain the concept of diversity and discrimination

4.2 Use a range of strategies to promote diversity

4.3 Use strategies to challenge discrimination

5 Use non-instructed advocacy

5.1 Explain the concept of non-instructed advocacy

5.2 Select when it is appropriate to use non-instructed advocacy

5.3 Use non-instructed advocacy

5.4 Identify a range of threats and challenges when using non-instructed advocacy

Reference no: EM132351950

Questions Cloud

Describe harm-reduction strategies : Support Individuals who are Substance Users-A/601/0670-Explain legislation, policies and guidelines on the use and storage of substances.
Define how nursing advocacy would be beneficial : Explain why the population is designated as "vulnerable." Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues.
What stands out as useful in authentic leadership : What stands out as useful in authentic leadership? What is the meaning of the core competencies associated with authentic leadership per Avolio and Walumbwa
Identify the barriers related to the proposed interventions : In adult hospitalized patients ages 25 and over, how does the use of antiseptic barrier caps compare to manual alcohol swabs in the prevention of central line.
Explain the medical and social model of disability : Responding to the Advocacy Needs of Different Groups of People-F/502/3149-Identify factors which prevent different groups of people from accessing advocacy.
Develop positive strategies in resolving conflict : Maintaining the Independent Advocacy Relationship-A/502/3148-Develop a plan or strategy to respond to a range of challenges and threats.
Films are about exploring identity : Films are about exploring identity. While it is through choices and actions your protagonists creates themselves, dialogue is used to make true,
Identify limitations to the independent advocacy role : Providing Independent Advocacy Support- T/502/3147-Explain the advocacy role to a range of people receiving advocacy support.
How the adoption of models of disability can shape service : Understand Models of Disability-F/601/3473-Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care Adults for Wales and Northern Ireland.


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