Reference no: EM133115804 , Length: word count:1000
Assignment - Personal Ethic & Environmental Footprint
Ecological Footprint? How many planets do we need if everybody lives like you? When is your personal Overshoot Day?
Question 1. Lisa Newton in her book Ethics and Sustainability (2002) expresses the need for each of us to determine our personal worldview imperative, that is the moral principles by which we should live. These principles should then guide how we interact with the natural environment.
Describe your own personal worldview imperative and by providing relevant examples how this guides your actions that impact the natural environment.
Question 2. Go to wwf ecological footprint calculator and calculate your personal ecological footprint. Copy your footprint results (i.e.
'Results By Land Type and By Consumption Category) into your assignment document.
Question 3. Explain the meaning of your ecological footprint-measured in global hectares with reference to the global availability of productive area per capital, and a relevant average national footprint per capita.
Question 4. By utilising your footprint analysis, identify four major causes of the unsustainable aspects of your personal lifestyle. (Marking Criteria: Apply theory, Understand concepts, Analyse and interpret information, Depth of research)
Question 5. For each of the four major causes in part 4 above identify a change you could make to your lifestyle to reduce your footprint. (Marking Criteria: Problem solving, Creativity, Clarity of language)
Question 6. In light of your answer to Question 1, how might you more effectively align your personal worldview imperative with your choices that determine the size of your environmental footprint?