Reference no: EM131793262
Answer each question as thoroughly as you can (but be to the point).
-Compare the practices of price fixing and predatory pricing. Explain why each is prohibited by law.
-In what way does the government regulate pricing?
-Why are companies increasingly turning to third-party logistics providers (3PLs)?
-How can a company benefit through a just-in-time logistics system?
-Explain how wholesalers have been able to use technology to cut costs.
-Explain the marketing decisions faced by wholesalers.
-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of advertising.
-What is personal selling? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a firm using personal selling to promote a product or service?
-Public relations specialists use several tools. Identify three of these tools and describe how they can help a company communicate with the public.
-Describe public relations and any three of its main functions.
-Briefly explain the major sales promotion tools.
-How can sales promotion be accomplished through samples?
-Internet marketing practices have raised a number of ethical and legal questions. Why is invasion of privacy perhaps the number one online marketing concern?
-How has the implementation of the National Do Not Call Registry changed telephone marketing?
-Discuss the four evolving company orientations. Which orientation is considered most successful and why?
-What is the primary focus of a customer-centered company?
-What might drive a company to create international divisions or subsidiaries? Discuss the three ways these divisions can be organized.
-Identify the three major ways a company can manage its international marketing.
-Compare and contrast the two common principles that can be used to guide companies and marketing managers on issues of ethics and social responsibility.
-How is the societal marketing concept related to marketing ethics?