Explain the marketing communications strategy

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Reference no: EM133244571 , Length: word count:2350

Integrated Marketing Communication

Assignment : IMC Plan A

Company Name : Newy Burger Co


For this assignment you are required to choose a company that you will create an IMC Plan for. Keep in mind the budget for this assignment - $100,000 for one year. You will not be able to spend more than this amount, so choose a small to medium size business that would realistically have a budget of this amount or less. Do not pick a multi-million-dollar international company (e.g. Coke, Google, Nike). Speak with your lecturer if you are unsure about your choice of company.

Once you have chosen your company, you will then need to conduct background research to understand the current position of the company and complete the sections required for Assignment 2.


An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan (IMC plan) explains the marketing communications strategy for a set period, usually 1 year, given a predetermined budget. The IMC Plan looks at the current situation of the company's marketing, specifies what the company wants to achieve through its marketing communications for the year and details exactly how this will be achieved.

There are two IMC Plan assignments for this course - IMC Plan Part A (Assignment 2) and IMC Plan Project (Assignment 3). Assignment 2 requires you to complete the first half of the IMC Plan, conducting background research and establishing the overarching objectives for the IMC strategy. This will then be used to help guide the rest of the IMC Plan, due at the end of the Trimester.

The essential components of Assignment 2 (IMC Plan Part A) are as follows:
Business Background
Current Marketing Communications
Target Market
Campaign Inspiration
Target Audience
The Big Idea


You are to prepare an integrated marketing communications plan for one year, for a business of your choice with which you are familiar. You are only to use secondary research and are not to contact the business directly to involve them in this process.

Thus, you utilise your existing knowledge of the business and its activities, coupled with secondary research related to the market to develop your plan. IMC Plan Part A requires you to understand the background and current situation of the business and set objectives.

Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%)

1.1 Purpose of Assignment 2 The purpose of this assessment is for students to apply IMC content covered in the course to a real-life business context and create a thorough IMC plan. Part A of the IMC plan requires you to provide a background of the business and campaign 1.1.1 Course Learning Outcomes This assignment addresses the Course Learning Outcomes of: 1. Outline the nature of IMC and describe its environment;
2. Explain how to set IMC objectives and formulate an IMC budget;
3. Evaluate creative strategies in the light of given marketing objectives and strategies;
5. Explain the behavioural factors that influence the effectiveness of communications;

1.2 Assignment Description and Instructions An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan (IMC plan) explains the marketing communications strategy for a set period, usually 1 year, given a predetermined budget. The IMC Plan looks at the current situation of the company's marketing, specifies what the company wants to achieve through its marketing communications for the year and details exactly how this will be achieved. There are two IMC Plan assignments for this course - IMC Plan Part A (Assignment 2) and IMC Plan Project (Assignment 3). Assignment 2 requires you to conduct background research, analyse existing campaigns/advertising and draft your campaign idea. This will then be used to help guide the rest of the IMC Plan, due at the end of the Trimester. You will need to include a reply to the feedback of Part A in your final IMC Plan Assignment.

1.3 Assignment Components The sections you will need to include in IMC Plan Part A are:

1. Business Background Provide context to your report here by discussing the business you are focusing on. Introduce the company and explain the industry it operates in, the products/services it sells. Keep the discussion concise and only provide information relevant to the reader. Assume the reader has never heard of the business before reading this report.

2. Current Marketing Communications Provide examples of the current marketing communications of the business. Include screenshots and images here to show the some of the communication material (e.g. website, social media posts, promotional material). For each marketing communication critically analyse the content in terms of the copy and visuals employed.

3. Target Market Based on your analysis of the current marketing communications and knowledge of the business, explain the current target market/s of the business. Ensure you use a range of characteristics to define and understand the target market/s you identify.

4. Campaign Inspiration Analyse three recent communication messages (e.g. print advertisement, TV advertisement, social media post etc) from OTHER brands. All communication messages should be from the last two years. For each of the three messages include the following key parts:
• the brand/company that created the message (and the creative team if relevant),
• the year the message was used,
• a screenshot of the communications message,
• a critical analysis of the communications message by applying the facets model,
• identification of key aspects of the communications message that you want to include in YOUR IMC campaign (e.g. the tone of message, the use of visuals/copy, the same facet/s)

5. Target Audience Identify and explain the target audience for your proposed IMC campaign. Apply multiple segmentation bases to specifically define the segment. Briefly explain here if the chosen segment is in line with the target market/s you identified in the previous section.

6. The Big Idea Identify and explain the ‘Big Idea' of your IMC campaign. Include the following to help explain this ‘Big Idea':
• Create a title/name for your campaign
• Provide a brief description of what your campaign will try to achieve
• Provide 2 key objectives for your campaign (link to the facets model) Other Information: There will also be marks given for logic and argument. You will need to have a logical and critical analysis that is well-researched and justified. A minimum three (3) academic sources are required for this assignment.
• You do not need to include an executive summary. A title page and table of contents will help structure your assignment so please include these

Reference no: EM133244571

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