Reference no: EM132245921 , Length: 1600 Words
Assignment 3 -
Task Description - Team PPT presentation with voice over and Word written assessment.
Organise yourself into teams of 2 or 3 people. For Assessment 3, your group is expected to choose ONE of the countries and ONE of the products that you worked on in Assessment 2 where you will go to market and explain the rationale for your choice.
You will then provide recommendations for the following:
- Market selection and entry strategy
- Competitive strategy
- Pricing strategy
- Promotion strategy
- Distribution strategy
- Concluding recommendations
You are expected to read widely to support your analysis and justify your recommendations. You must include at least 15 references to support your ideas. You must use APA Referencing.
Table of Contents -
1. Market Selection and Entry Strategy
2. Competitive strategy
3. Pricing strategy
4. Promotion strategy
5. Distribution strategy
6. Conclusion
7. References
Instructions for your written Word document with references -
- Please use Times New Roman with font 12 and 1.5 line spacing.
- You need to upload this Word (.doc or .docx file format) document in Moodle under Assessment 3 and also a copy of your PPT slides (.ppt or .pptx file format).
Instructions for the PPT slides (10 minutes oral presentation or voice-over) -
The oral presentation or voice-over should be a maximum of 10 minutes to discuss the above.
Use the marking criteria for this assessment as a guide to include what is needed in the slides.
You do not need to read the in text referencing or references at the end of the slides when presenting your oral or recording your voice-over for the PPT presentation.
As far as possible, as this is a team effort, we would like to hear all voices of the students involved in the group especially on the metro campuses. For distance education students, we would understand if this is not possible.
Note - 1500 words in word file & ppt also about 8-9 slide with all slides.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar