Explain the major causes of absenteeism at work

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM13100913

1. What is the difference between performance and organizational citizenship behaviors? As a manager, how would you improve someone's performance? How would you increase citizenship behaviors?
2. Are citizenship behaviors always beneficial to the company? Can you think of any citizenship behaviors employees may perform with the intention of helping a company but that may have negative consequences overall?
3. Given the factors correlated with job performance, which employee selection methods should be better at identifying future high performers?
4. What are the major causes of absenteeism at work? How can companies minimize the level of absenteeism that takes place?
5. In some companies, managers are rewarded for minimizing the turnover within their department or branch. A part of their bonus is directly tied to keeping the level of turnover below a minimum.
What do you think about the potential effectiveness of these programs?
Do you see any downsides to such programs?

Reference no: EM13100913

Questions Cloud

Probability-employment and economic trend : Consider the following two economic characteristics with two possible outcomes each: employment (increase, decrease) and economic trend (positive, negative).
How long are the strings : Two small metallic spheres, each of mass m = 0.198 g, are suspended as pendulums by light strings of length L as shown in the figure below. The spheres are given the same electric charge of 7.4 nC, and they come to equilibrium when each string is ..
Explain why do you suppose that best buy suppliers sony : Explain why do you suppose that Best Buy, rather than one of Best Buy's big suppliers such as Sony or Panasonic, is considering eliminating rebates?
What is the temperature t of the concordes skin in flight : What is the temperature T of the Concorde's skin in flight?
Explain the major causes of absenteeism at work : What are the major causes of absenteeism at work? How can companies minimize the level of absenteeism that takes place?
Illustrate what is the definition of concept development : Illustrate what is the definition of Concept development, Idea generation, Idea screening, Product design, Concept name development and Sports cape in sport marketing?
What are the dimensions of b : Suppose that the displacement of an object is related to time according to the expression x = Bt2. What are the dimensions of B?
Probability-fatal accident : Suppose that the probability is 1 in 3,900,000 that a single auto trip in the U.S. would result in the death of the driver. Over a lifetime, an average U.S. driver takes 50,000 trips.
Increase sales of health care services in the territory : you are in charge of developing an experiment to test the hypothesis that increasing the number of salespeople assigned to a territory will increase sales of health care services in the territory.


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