Reference no: EM132760682
Module 17 Practical Wireless Ethernet and TCP/IP Networking - Engineering Institute of Technology
Learning Outcome 1
Q1 View the series on VLANs and trunks:
Explain the differences between (i) access ports and (ii) trunks. Refer to the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN standard.
Give a concise description, with graphic illustration, of an IEEE 802.1Q field added to an Ethernet packet.
Q2 Explain the following layer-2 network concepts:
CSMA/CD in a scenario with PCs connected to a hub.
Why does a full-duplex switch behave like a shared hub immediately after start-up?
How does auto-negotiation function on a switch port and what are its advantages?
Q3 Determinism.
Explain the importance of determinism in an industrial LAN.
Explain why a lightly loaded Fast- or Gigabit Ethernet (‘as is', without IEEE 1588 or VLANs), can be considered deterministic enough for most industrial systems.
Learning Outcome 2
Q4 NetID
Explain the role that the NetID plays in routing an IP packet on the LAN of origin, from the originating host to the default gateway.
Explain the concept of subnetting a network.
Why is the number of available HostIDs on a subnet always two less than the maximum?
Illustrate this by calculating the amount of HostIDs on a default class C subnet.
Q5 Subnet masks:
Is the subnet mask valid in a class C network environment?
How many HostIDs can be hosted on the above-mentioned subnet?
A host with IP address is preparing to send a packet to Will this packet be delivered directly or via a router? Explain your answer.
Q6 Static vs. dynamic routing tables:
Discuss the difference between static and dynamic routing.
List three advantages of static routing.
Learning Outcome 2
Q7 Reserved IP addresses:
Are the series of addresses contained in 192.168.0.x a part of reserved (private) IP addresses? If so, in which class? Explain your answer.
Which series of IP addresses are reserved in class B?
Would TCP or UDP be preferred for establishing low-latency, loss-tolerant connections between applications on the internet? Why so?
What is the principle difference between TCP & UDP?
Q8 Routing concepts:
Study:MASQUERADING and answer the following questions.
What was the original use of NAT?
Explain the concept of IP masquerading.
Explain the concept of port forwarding.
What is the purpose of route tracing?
Which DOS utility can be used for route tracing?
Learning Outcome 3
Q9 2.4GHz Wi-Fi:
You may read for additional information on this question.
How many non-overlapping IEEE 802.11b channels are there in the 2.4 GHz ISM band?
How wide should each of these non-overlapping channels be?
How far are these non-overlapping channels supposed to be spaced apart?
You have to use two IEEE 802.11b APs in close proximity. The first is set to channel 1.
Which channels could you use on the second one?
Q10 5GHz Wi-Fi:
You may read 5GHz for additional information on this question.
You have two IEEE 802.11a APs, one of them is on channel 42.
Is this an indoor or an outdoor frequency in South Africa?
What will be the closest channel for United States?
What will be the closest channel for Australia?
What form of modulation is used on this technology?
Q11 ISM bands:
What was the ISM bands originally intended for?
What additional use have they found lately?
Q12 Encoding (other than Spread Spectrum):
In the figure below, the number of bits encoded per symbol (vertical axis) is shown against the signal-to-noise ratio (horizontal axis) required for successful transmission.
Does 16 QAM provide a significant advantage over any other encoding scheme on a noisy channel at 5dB SNR? Explain your answer.
Does 16QAM hold a significant advantage over 16PSK on a 15dB SNR channel? Explain your answer.
What is the minimum SNR required for QPSK to work well?
Would you say it can be advantageous to have an encoder which can encode any of the five schemes as well as a monitoring tool for the SNR ratio of the channel? What would you be able to do with such a setup?
Q13 Spread Spectrum (SS) encoding:
Name four spread spectrum techniques.
Which one of them was originally devised against eavesdropping in the military environment?
Learning Outcome 3
Q14 Radio frequency terminology:
Research and concisely describe the following RF terms:
Isotropic antenna
Antenna gain
Beam width
Q15 Insight into RF systems
Would a high-gain dish antenna be suitable for use as the antenna at the base station in a PtMP (Point to Multi-Point) setup, yes or no? Explain your answer.
Learning Outcome 4
Q16 Wi-Fi setup, variants and terminology:
Describe the typical steps to
set up and
a new Wi-Fi AP.
Compare IEEE802.11a, IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g and IEEE802.11n under the headings of Data rate, Range, Channel separation, and Interoperability.
Explain the significance, and give examplesof:
Briefly explain the concept of (Layer2) bridging.
Briefly explain the conceptof (Layer2) roaming.
Q17 Medium Access Control Algorithms:
Expand the acronyms and describe the basic difference in the operation between IEEE 802.3 (CSMA/CD) and IEEE 802.11 (CSMA/CA) Medium Access Control methods.
Briefly describe the operation of CSMA/CA as used in Wi-Fi, in the case of a hidden node.
Learning Outcome 4
Q18 Wi-Fi sign-on, authentication and security issues:
With reference to Wi-Fi, expand the acronyms AES and RADIUSand explain what they are, and how they are used in authentication.
How does the WPA (or WPA2) authentication implementation differ for:
Home users (WPA-Personal)?
Corporate users (WPA-Enterprise)?
Q19 Wi-Fi site surveys
List the steps involved in performing a site survey for Wi-Fi.
Name four measurements taken during an active Wi-Fi site survey.
Q20 Industrial RF technologies
Give a brief technical description of Wireless HART.
List four differences between Wireless HART and ISA100.11a.
What is ISA 100.11a?
Why was the ISA100 committee formed?
Please answer the following multiple-choice questions by selecting the correct line(s) and changing the colour of the correct answer(s) to blue:
Q21 Which 802.11 standard has the best performing parameters in terms of data rate, range, channel separation issues and interoperability?
d. 802.11a
Q22 WPA2 uses IEEE 802.X with the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) to perform mutual authentication, either via a _________ server or by means of a changing key generated on the basis of a shared secret pass-phrase.
Q23 At the MAC level, 802.11 LANs involve the use of ______ for medium access control.
d. Bridging and Roaming
Q24 Which two answers are true?
Auto negotiation is mandatory for a 1000BASE-T LAN
The IP Masquerade server acts as a router
NAT is an acronym for Network Address Token
Port forwarding is referred to as tunnelling
Determinism has no pre-determined or fixed timing
The default gateway performs bridging functions
Q25 How many hosts are possible on each subnet of a class B network if the subnet mask is What is the total number of subnets on this class B network?
8190 and 8
62 and 16
30 and 14
8192 and 8
Q26 Which two answers are TRUE for Ethernet (IEEE802.3) Frames?
The Source and Destination Address fields carry 6 bytes in total
The payload data field is a variable length field and depend on the data carried
No CRC is used as the frames are inherently reliable
The Preamble and SFD fields contain 8 bytes each
The Source and Destination Address fields carry 6 bytes each
Q27 Which two answers are TRUE for the setup of new AP's in a new building?
It is not required to plan ahead where AP's are to be installed in a new building
There is no reason for IT professionals and architects to consult about building design when as building layout doesn't influence Wi-Fi coverage at all
A large of amount of work goes into planning the positions of AP's in new buildings
Architects and IT professionals should team up when planning AP's in new buildings as little design changes can have a profound influence on coverage
Radius servers are not required in corporate Wi-Fi systems
Q28 Which three answers are TRUE for Wi-Fi?
Roaming is best carried out by giving each AP its own SSID
An AP can either be a bridge or an AP, never both simultaneously
The BSSID of AP's are often taken from the MAC address of the radio
Corporate roaming requires a RADIUS server to invisibly hand users over between stations
When AP's are used in bridge + AP mode, they easily become bottlenecks as load increases
Q29 Which three of the following statements are true?
Voltage gain is expressed as 10log V_out/V_in
Power gain is expressed as 20log P_out/P_in
Gain in dB can be simply added and subtracted
Voltage gain is expressed as 20log V_out/V_in
Power gain is expressed as 10log P_out/P_in
Q30 Which three of the following statements are true?
dBm is an absolute value
dBm is a relative value
Positive dB represents gain
Positive dB represents a loss
dBi is used exclusively to indicate antenna gain relative to a theoretically ideal isotropic radiator.
Q31 Which line indicates antenna types with ever-increasing gain, correctly?
Isotropic, Yagi, Dipole, Parabolic
Dipole, Yagi, Dipole, Parabolic
Parabolic, Isotropic, Yagi, Dipole
Isotropic, Dipole, Yagi, Parabolic
Isotropic, Parabolic, Dipole, Yagi
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