Explain the key ways that entity relationship modeling helps

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131683651


As explained throughout this course, entity relationship modeling is a critical element of database design. If the database is not properly modeled, it is unlikely that the database will be properly developed.

Using this knowledge, explain the key reasons why entity relationship modeling is important, and determine at least way in which it impacts the overall development of the database.

Analyze the key ways that entity relationship modeling helps database developers overcome potential design challenges and conflicting goals.

For the database that you described in the Week 1 and Week 2 discussions, determine the major / minor challenges that might exist when you are creating an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for the business function / operation. I used the example of Amazon.com

Please note: (so this needs to be in line with amazon.com business function and operation)

Reference no: EM131683651

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