Reference no: EM131691098
Teacher Reflection through job embedded PD essay
Choose five activities for job-embedded professional development according to (p. 70) in Ch. 3 of Schools as Professional Learning Communities.
Write a 350- to 700-word essay explaining how each activity supports reflective teaching.
Include at least five sources, including this week's readings and videos, to justify how each supports reflective practice.
Format your essay according to APA guidelines.
Activities for Job-Embedded Professional Development
1. Observe other teachers teach.
2. Plan lessons and units with other teachers.
3. Give and receive feedback on instructional behaviors from peers.
4. Conduct action research projects.
5. Mentor new teachers.
6. Coach one another.
7. Keep a reflective log.
8. Develop and maintain a professional portfolio.
9. Look at student work together.
10. Become part of a study group.