Reference no: EM133028015
BIT207 Introduction to Web Development - Emirates College of Technology
LO #1: Explain the Internet and World Wide Web fundamentals.
LO #2: Createa valid XHTML Document using various types of XHTML tags; Document Layout, Text Formatting, List Formatting and Linking.
LO #3: UseCascading Style Sheets to enhance the Web page contents and layout.
Project Topic: Hospital Management System
Before you answer this assignment, please read the following important instructions:
- You are required to accomplish your work in teams ,each team consists of maximum 3 students.
- A soft copy of the project report should be uploaded to the Turnitin Moodle Website on the due date (
- Make sure to check your code by using any validation tool
Assignment Tasks:
You have the following tasks in this assignment:
» Create a folder that contain your Web Site files.
Task 1. Create an external style sheet that configures your Website.
Task 2. Create the First page:
Task 3. Create the Second page:
Task 1. Use Notepad to create the external style sheet.Write the CSS rules to configure the following:
• Global style for the document background color and text color and font type.
• Style rules for the h1 selector that configure background color and text color and line height.
• Style rules for the navigation area (i.e. hyperlinks) that displays centered text.
• Style rules for an id style with background color, text color, small font size, italic, and centered to configure the footer area.
Task 2. The Home Page:
Use Notepad to create the Home page for the "Emirates College of Technology"Website with the following specifications. The Home Page is shown in Figure (1).
1) Apply the styles fromexternal style sheet to your home page by adding the<link/> element to the Web page.
2) Web Page: Use a descriptive page title "Group project".
3) Logo area: Use <h1> for the Name of your website.
4) Navigation: Configure the following hyperlinks:
» Code anchor tags so that Home links to home page, another links to another page of your website, Moodle links to Moodle website.
» Configure the Navigation Area (the hyperlinks) to apply the id style.
5) Content:
» Display an ordered list that contain the name of student group.
» Place the address and the phone number information within a paragraph below the unordered list. Hint: Use line break tags to help you configure this area.
6) Footer:
» Contains the copyright, student id and configure the page footer area by apply id style.
» Emails of all the students' group name links to your email.
Task 3. The second Page:
Create a second page as the following requirements:
1) Apply the styles from "mystyle.css" external style sheet to second page by adding the<link/> element to the Web page.
2) Web Page: Use a descriptive page title "Emirates College of Technology".
3) Logo area: As in theHome Page.
4) Navigation: Configure the hyperlinks as in the Home Page.
5) Content:
- Display a paragraph "about the group member".
- Display nested order list about group information of your website topic with Bold and Underline style for the main list item.
6) Footer:Configure the footer area as in the Home Page.
Attachment:- Introduction to Web Development.rar