Explain the inflation trend based on inflation rate

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131161809


i) Assignment Brief

The strength of a country's economy can be determined through careful examination of macroeconomic indicators such as real GDP, real GDP growth rate, real GDP per capita, unemployment rate and inflation rate. In your essay, analyse the economic performance of ONE (1) country, over the last decade (from 2005 to 2014), using data on the macroeconomic indicators; argue whether you think the performance is strong or weak.

Your analysis should include an in-depth discussion on the performance of the economy and provide explanations for economic results as revealed by the macroeconomic indicators; where appropriate, you should also explain how the policies of the government aim to achieve full employment, stable price and/or economic growth. Support your evaluation with researched evidence.

ii) Assignment Format

The essay should be presented in the following format.



• Provide an overview of the chosen economy

Production output performance analysis

• Real GDP, Real GDP growth rate, Real GDP per capita analysis
• Define and explain how each indicator above measures performance of the economy
• Describe and explain performance trends of the economy
• Research and explain Government's measures adopted to achieve the production output performance

Labour market analysis

• Describe unemployment trends based on unemployment rates
• Define unemployment and describe the typical types of unemployment in an economy
• Research and identify the types of unemployment in the chosen economy
• Research and explain Government's measures adopted to achieve full employment

Price level analysis

• Describe the inflation trend based on inflation rate
• Define inflation and describe the typical causes of inflation
• Research and identify the cause(s) of inflation in the chosen economy
• Research and explain Government's measures to achieve stable price


iv) Assignment Style

All sources referred to in your essay, including any diagrams, must be referenced to in-text and be included in a full reference list at the end of the assignment, according to the APA system of referencing. Use the following Kaplan resource to assist you to do this accurately and consistently:

The reference above will also supply you with the Assignment Style rules followed in Kaplan. In short, the main things to apply are as follows:

1. Write your name clearly on the cover page using the Lecturer's Comment Form
2. Your assignment should be type-written.
3. Spacing 1.5 with font size 12 using Arial font style.
4. Include page no.
5. Include a Reference Page at the end of your assignment.

v) Policies

• The penalties for plagiarism and collusion per Kaplan Singapore Academic Policy (found in your Student Handbook and Study Guide) will apply for any breaches.

• Late submission of assignment copies handed in to program managers will have marks deducted in in accordance to the Kaplan Singapore late submission policy as described in the Study Guide.


A. Describe and evaluate a range of current economic issues and problems.
B. Develop and communicate economic arguments in a variety of forms.
E. Evaluate the performance of the national economy.
G. Discuss and explain the economic problems of unemployment and inflation.
H. Identify and apply fiscal policy to achieve macroeconomic stability.


• The ability to relate research findings to concepts learned in the module.
• The ability to conduct research.
• The ability to analyse data and information.
• The ability to think and read critically.

Reference no: EM131161809

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