Reference no: EM133836153
Learning outcome 1: Identify and explain various terminologies, characteristics and mechanisms of action of signi?cant medication groups.
Learning outcome 2: Identify and explain the indicators of adverse drug reactions.
Learning outcome 3: Identify and describe therapeutic effect of and responses to medications and related life span issues from pre-conception to end of life.
Learning outcome 4: Analyse and explain factors which determine the potency of medication responses.
Learning outcome 5: Explore the use of complementary and alternative therapies in the health care setting and describe the implications for nursing and/or midwifery.
Learning outcome 6: Explore the impact of polypharmacy and develop patient/woman-speci?c nursing and midwifery plans for patient/woman care.
Learning outcome 7: Apply the knowledge and skills of therapeutic pharmacological intervention in a clinical based scenario(s)
Assessment Task 1: Poster
You will find and read a wide variety of scholarly sources on the topic, integrating a minimum of 10 national legislation, codes and standards or peer reviewed journal articles. Each article should be no more than seven (7) years old and of specific relevance to the topic.
Task Overview
For this assessment task, students will work in groups. You will be randomly allocated to a group by the start of Week 1. Please see the Task Instructions chapter of this Moodle book to read about how you can identify which group you have been allocated to.
Working in a group of 3 to 4 students, you are required to watch two videos on Medicinal cannabis. Both videos have a total of 17minutes. Then students will respond to some questions, representing this information in the form of a poster (1500 words). All written information should be referenced properly
Task Instructions
As a group, create an e-poster, that includes visual effects, such as diagrams and/or images, and text. The poster should provide useful information, pitched appropriately at the target audience (health and allied-health professionals) Get professional assignment writing service now!
After watching the videos, address the following six questions in your poster. Ensure you use a mix of visuals (e.g., diagrams, charts, infographics) and concise text to present your answers effectively.
Question 1: Create a table or infographic detailing:
Brand name, generic name, uses, doses, frequency, side effects, formulation, storage, and route of administration of medical cannabis.
Include at least one unique fact or example from the videos.
Question 2- Discuss 4 (four) ethical concerns surrounding the use of medical cannabis, referring specifically to the 2 videos.
Include direct quotes or paraphrased points from the videos with timestamps.
Discuss these in the context of your understanding or experience of ethical dilemmas in healthcare.
Question 3 - Comprehensively discuss evidence regarding at least 4 (four) benefits and 4 (four) risks of using medical cannabis.
Present this in a comparison chart or matrix with examples from the videos.
Support your points with at least one academic reference.
Question 4 - What is your personal stance for or against the use of medical cannabis and why, with a focus on Quality Use of Medicines (QUM).
Focus on the principles of Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) and explain your rationale using examples from the videos and at least two academic sources.
Include a brief reflection on how the videos influenced or challenged your stance.
Question 5 - Investigate the role of the following Australian organisations in improving the availability and affordability of medical cannabis:
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Provide a diagram or flowchart illustrating their processes.
Include real-world examples or initiatives from external sources, linked back to the videos where possible.
Question 6 - Critically compare the experiences of the 70-year-old in the Ted Talk and Hayley Menz in the current affairs video.
Use a Venn diagram or similar visual representation to highlight key similarities and differences.
Provide a brief written explanation to accompany the visual.
Additional Information/Requirements about the Assessment Task
Annotated References: For each reference used, include a brief annotation (1-2 sentences) explaining how it was used in your poster.
Sources: Use a mix of academic articles, credible websites, and examples directly from the videos.
Plagiarism: Ensure all work is original. Plagiarism or excessive reliance on external tools like AI will result in penalties.
Self-Verification Statement: Include a signed academic integrity statement in your submission declaring that AI tools were not used to generate your responses.
The poster can be developed using any creative design program of your choosing (i.e., Microsoft office suite, Canva, Adobe - this list is not extensive).
For students who are less confident in creative design programs you may consider using Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint.
Students are strongly advised to review their work and may write multiple drafts to perfect the e-Poster prior to submission. (Drafts may be called upon to authenticate academic work integrity).