Explain the importance of understanding psychology

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Reference no: EM133549632

Question: As a victim advocate, you will routinely support victims of crime through the criminal justice process. To better understand the psychology of victims and criminals, victim advocates must use critical thinking skills to compare victimology and criminology, identify relevant concerns, and train others to be more effective in their service to diverse populations.

Assessment Deliverable

Your agency is expanding its victim advocacy program and has invited candidates from multiple agencies to explore their potential for professional growth in these roles. Use information from victim advocacy resources to 1050 or more words training guide as if you were a victim advocate hosting a workshop for prospective victim advocates.

Your training guide can be written in a format of your choice. Do the following in your training guide:

Summarize the similarities and differences of victimology and criminology characteristics. Summarize the responsibilities of a victim advocate. Explain the importance of understanding psychology when studying victims and crime.
Identify the certification process to become a victim advocate in the state of Georgia or in another state you are familiar with. Please provide a list of the services offered by at least 3 victim advocacy resources from the geographic area you selected and briefly summarize the services they offer.
Compare the functions of the victim advocate in a criminal matter involving an adult victim versus a minor. Note the unique needs of victims of elder abuse and child victims. Explain the role of the victim advocate in restorative justice.
Identify at least 1 concern of the victim advocate when assisting each of the following populations:
Victims of sexual offenses, domestic violence, and/or intimate partner violence
Victims from the LGBTQ+ community
Victims with intellectual disabilities
Victims with physical disabilities
Victims from other specific populations

Cite at least 3 victim advocacy resources from a specific geographic area in your guide.

Reference no: EM133549632

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