Explain the importance of forecasting for managers

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13693935

Briefly explain the importance of forecasting for managers?

Reference no: EM13693935

Questions Cloud

What is the economic life : Calculate by hand first and use excel An injection melding machine has a first cost of $1,050,000 and a salvage value of $225,000 whenever the machine is sold. The yearly maintenance and operating costs are $235,000 with a gradient of $75,000. The MA..
Salvage value-existing machine be replaced with new machine : A machine was installed 5 years ago. Its market value is now $15,000 and is expected to decline by 10%/year over the next five years. It is projected that this machine will be operational for another five years, after which time it will be scrapped (..
Cutthroat competition-information asymmetry and moral hazard : Explain the key financial regulations resulting in the New Deal. How did they attempt to solve issues from cutthroat competition, information asymmetry, and moral hazard?
How is the long run optimum traffic volume determined : Answer the following concerning highway pricing and traffic volume in the long run. Draw the ATC curve for a 4 lane road and explain why it is U shaped in terms of the road cost effect and the trip cost effect.
Explain the importance of forecasting for managers : Briefly explain the importance of forecasting for managers?
Concerning the partial equilibrium effects of congestion tax : Assuming the revenue from a congestion tax is not redistributed to city residents, what effect would a congestion tax have on the residential bid rent curve? If the government reduced other taxes after instituting a congestion tax, how would the resu..
Determine voltage - parallel pate capacitor : A parallel pate capacitor has two dieletric slabs between the plates with interface normal to E and D. the thickness of each slab is 1 cm,area is 100cm2.
Investment in the automation project can be economically : A hospital would replace five personnel that currently cover three shifts per day. 365 days per year. Each person earns $35,000 per year. Company-paid benefits and overhead are 45% of wages. Money costs 8% after income taxes.
Explain how a seller can determine whether the demand : Explain how a seller can determine whether the demand for his or her good is inelastic, elastic, or unit elastic between two prices?


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