Explain the importance of encryption

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131759895

Discussion: "Encryption in Organizations"

Select one of the following and discuss in no less than three paragraphs, and have at least one response to another student of at least one paragraph:

1- Suppose an executive-level manager asked you to explain the importance of encryption. Detail the key points that you would use to justify the importance of using encryption during the overall security posture analysis of the executive-level manager's organization.

2- Research the web for examples of the manner in which security professionals could use encryption in organizations today (e.g., database encryption), describe at least two uses of encryption within organizations today that you found in your research. From the uses identified, indicate the information resource the encryption is designed to protect. Assess the importance of protecting such an information resource from a security perspective.

3- Any current topic or article related to penetration techniques.

Reference no: EM131759895

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