Explain the impact of population growth on food supplies

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Reference no: EM131495995

Answer all of the following questions

Question 1:

More than any other region, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is plagued by instability and conflict. Conflict has traditionally been caused by political, military. ethnic and religious issues, but, in an increasingly complex world, potential causes of insecurity have widened and diversified considerably. Though traditional sources of conflict continue to play a major role, economic, social and environmental issues increasingly contribute to both causing and fuelling it.

Middle East Case Study of Water Conflicts.

A. Why does it have water Problems?

B. Suggest possible solutions to the water problems.

Question 2:

With the global population expected to top 9 billion people by 2050, and given the demands for more protein-rich diets by populations with increasing incomes, farmers around the world will be hard pressed to meet demand. Between 1970 and 1990, global aggregate farm yield rose by an average of 2 percent each year, largely due to the Green

Revolution and focused investments in research and technology. The USDA projects that growth in global farm yields will continue to fall, threatening the welfare of a large share of the world's population.

1. Define the agricultural revolution, and describe their components.

2. "Global Food Insecurity has global foreign policy and national security implications... Economic and political development in poor countries will continually be frustrated if populations are unable to feed themselves."

Discuss this problem.

3. Explain the impact of population growth on food supplies and environment.

Verified Expert

The paper has been prepared and discusses both the question. Question one has 2 parts, reflecting the water crisis in MENA and solution to overcome water problem. Question 2 has three parts based on global agriculture problem. First question discussed about the agriculture revolution. 2nd question discusses about global food insecurity and the 3rd question discusses about impact of population growth in food supplies and environment. The paper is prepared for 3200 words. Bibliography provided in APA format.

Reference no: EM131495995

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