Explain the idea of voluntary compliance

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132985415

Tax Assignment #1

The U.S. income tax system is based on the idea of voluntary compliance. Under this system, it is the taxpayer's responsibility to report all income. Tax evasion is illegal.

One way that people try to evade paying taxes is by failing to report all or some of their income. Sometimes people do not report income gained through illegal activities such as gambling and selling stolen goods. Other times they do not report all the tips they collect or the money they earn through legal activities such as garage sales, baby-sitting, tutoring, or yard work. Such money-making activities are part of the underground economy, which exists as a way to avoid paying taxes. If taxpayers fail to pay what officials say they owe, the IRS can assess a penalty, in addition to collecting the back taxes. 

In contrast, tax avoidance is perfectly legal. IRS regulations allow eligible taxpayers to claim certain deductions, credits, and adjustments to income. For instance, some homeowners can claim a deduction for interest they pay on a home mortgage. Working parents may be able to claim a credit for child-care expenses. There are also deductions based on the number of family members. These are only a few of the many ways people can legally limit the tax they pay. However, the taxpayer must be able to prove that he or she qualifies. Many people pay more federal income tax than necessary because they misunderstand tax laws and fail to keep good records.

Activity 1

From the following list tell me which items are examples of tax evasion and tell me why you reached that conclusion.

A. Keeping a tip log

B. Mailing tax forms on time

C. Ignoring earnings for pet-sitting

D. Keeping accurate and organized records

E. Not reporting interest earned on loans

Activity 2

Read the example below and answer the question.

Last year Dave and Marie paid more taxes than they owed. After they filed their tax return, they received a refund for overpayment of taxes. This year, Dave and Marie claimed a deduction for interest paid on their home mortgage and claimed a credit for childcare expenses in order to avoid overpayment of taxes. Is this an instance of tax evasion or tax avoidance? Explain why.

Activity 3

Provide one example of a tax provision that you believe is present to accomplish a societal goal, one example of a tax provision that you believe is present to accomplish a political goal, and one example of a tax provision that you believe is present to accomplish an economic goal. Please provide your thoughts on why you arrived at your answers.

Reference no: EM132985415

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