Explain the hr concepts and principles

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131877900

Question: Human Resources Final Course Project Your project is an application of the HR concepts and principles we are studying in this course. It is your opportunity to solve a problem related to one of the human resource areas (see the list of HR activities on in Exhibit 1.1 on p. 7)-for this project, you are "HR." The project will be a minimum of a 4 - 5 page paper that is a study of a human resources need or situation at your company or organization and a design of a program to meet the need. This situation is not something that your Human Resources department has identified, but rather some area that falls under HR that you and/or your peers feel needs to be added/changed/addressed. Your paper will include the following parts: ? Give a history and background of your company. (one or two paragraphs) ? Describe the human resources situation or need including any necessary background and/or examples. (one to three paragraphs) ? Do a literature review of what other companies are doing to resolve this situation. You can check the Internet, read articles, and/or conduct personal interviews. In this section, you are trying to determine some "best practices."

In your paper, you will summarize your findings and give details of some of the programs/solutions that other companies are using-be sure to say which companies you looked included. (Look at a minimum of two or three other companies' practices/solutions.) ? Describe the viable alternatives you considered to resolve the situation. In this section, you will analyze which solutions/practices might be feasible for your company. You might be able to use parts of various programs or rule out other solutions because of cost, culture, etc. You might think of this part as a "Pros" and "Cons" of the different practices as they would apply to your company. ? Recommend the solution. Give good details of how you would solve the problem and what the impact would be. Your recommendation will include details of your program with a proposed implementation plan. ? Once you have completed your course paper, you will submit it through the Assignment function in Blackboard. The paper will be graded using the rubric that is attached along with this assignment description. Note: when you upload your paper, the SafeAssign tool will be employed in order to help identify plagiarism. Plagiarism can happen unintentionally as well, so it is important to cite your references as necessary. This tool will help to show you areas that you may need to take another look at in order to correctly cite your references.

Reference no: EM131877900

Questions Cloud

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What is the shortage cost? what is the excess cost : In November 2016, Worker Jon must choose how much he wants to contribute to his Flexible Savings Account (FSA) for the year 2017.
Why use pet with ct rather than ct alone : What is PET- what kind of image does it create? How? Why use PET with CT rather than CT alone? Please give the main reason/application.
Explain the hr concepts and principles : Human Resources Final Course Project Your project is an application of the HR concepts and principles we are studying in this course.
What is the rms current : The wall outlet is an AC source with a rms voltage of 120V. What is the peak voltage? I got 170 V for this question.
How have you seen former workplace : Human Resource Management was once thought of as simply the 'Payroll Department'. Why is it important now for HR management to transform from being primarily.
How far away is it in metres : That is, it takes 4.2 years for the light it emits to reach Earth. How far away is it in metres? Give your answer to 3 sf.
Calculate the magnetic flux in webers : Calculate the magnetic flux in Webers through the area.Give your answer to 2 sf.


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