Reference no: EM133459967 , Length: 2000 Words
Management of Diabetes
Assessment Task: Type 2 diabetes management
Purpose of assessment task
This assessment task will enable you to apply your knowledge of current clinical and self-management regimens and therapies and critically analyse strategies to create tailored management plans for individuals with diabetes.
Case scenario:
Jan is a 32 year-old woman recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
She is single, lives in a share house and works full time as a beauty therapist. Her BMI is 29; waist 110 cm; HbA1c 69 mmol/mol
The GP has advised Jan to lose weight and adopt lifestyle modifications as a first line approach to managing her diabetes.
Task Description:
This assessment task has 3 parts; all parts must be completed.
You are required to use current, relevant evidenced-based literature to:
Question 1. Explain the goals of diabetes management and specific advice regarding physical activity and nutrition for Jan.
Question 2. Describe lifestyle weight management strategies and their role in diabetes management. Provide recommendations for Jan about weight management, including a detailed rationale for your advice.
Question 3. Discuss the role of the diabetes educator and other members of the care team in Jan's weight management plan.
Instructions for this assessment task:
• Draw on information and references provided in the unit.
• You are also expected to do your own research of peer-reviewed journals, text books and evidence-based guidelines.
• Websites, consumer information, Wikipedia are not appropriate for assessment tasks.
• Make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric and presentation requirements before submission. This enables you to ensure all the required areas have been covered.
Presentation requirements:
The School of Nursing and Midwifery follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition referencing style.