Explain the functions of the respiratory system

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Reference no: EM133564115

1. Explain the functions of the respiratory system.
2. Define respiration, external respiration, internal respiration, and cellular respiration.
3. Identify organs that are in the respiratory system and which are in the upper respiratory tract and which are in the lower respiratory tract.
4. Explain functions of the nose and nasal cavity.
5. Explain functions of the sinuses.
6. Explain problems associated with cigarette smoking.
7. Define/explain locations and functions of the pharynx and regions of the pharynx.
8. Know the location of the larynx, and explain functions of the larynx.
9. Name the 3 large cartilages associated with the larynx.
10. Define false vocal cords, true vocal cords, and glottis.
11. Detail characteristics of the trachea.
12. List the divisions of the bronchial tree.
13. Explain the function and structural characteristics of alveoli. Know what type of tissue alveoli are made of.
14. Define bronchodilation and bronchoconstriction.
15. Know the difference in lobes between the two lungs.
16. Define visceral pleura, parietal pleura, and pleural cavity.
17. Table 19.1 on slide 30 of the first respiratory system powerpoint is a great summary of the respiratory system organs.
18. Define breathing/ventilation.
19. Define inspiration and expiration. Define respiratory cycle.
20. What is normal atmospheric pressure at sea level?
21. Describe characteristics of Boyle's Law.
22. Explain the processes/events for inhalation and exhalation and how Boyle's law and atmospheric pressure relate to airflow into and out of the lungs.
23. Distinguish between normal and forced inspiration and describe the major muscles involved in each.
24. Distinguish between normal and forced expiration and the major muscles involved in forced expiration and the nature of elastic recoil and surface tension that passively drives normal expiration.
25. Define respiratory volume and spirometry.
26. Describe each of the main respiratory volumes as described in table 19.4 (page 42 of the first respiratory system powerpoint).
27. Explain the dead air spaces.
28. Explain nonrespiratory air movements.
29. Describe the parts of the brain that control the respiratory system.
30. Define partial pressure.
31. Distinguish the role and chemosensitivities of central and peripheral chemoreceptors and the effect they have on respiratory rate and drive.
32. Where does gas exchange between the air and blood occur?
33. What helps to clean alveoli?
34. Explain the difference between type I and type II cells in the wall of an alveolus.
35. How are gases transported to tissues?
36. What is the function of hemoglobin? Define oxyhemoglobin.
37. Explain the effect that oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide partial pressure, acidity and temperature have on hemoglobin-oxygen binding affinity and explain why these factors are critical to the efficiency of oxygen transport.
38. Explain how CO2 is transported in the blood.
39. Explain the effect of hyperventilation on CO2 level.
40. Study images from your practice images and labs.

Reference no: EM133564115

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