Explain the fruit guys business strategy

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132219787

Discussion 1: Applying the Fruit Guys Business Strategy

Watch the video titled "Fruit Guys - Strategy,"* also located in the Learn section of Week 3 of your Blackboard course. Identify two or three (2-3) businesses that could use the five (5) questions the Fruit Guys used to determine effectiveness. Provide a rationale for your answer. Reply to at least one (1) of your classmate's posts.

Considering the Impact of Competition on HRM Within a Real Business

Pick an organization that you are familiar with and do a competitive environmental scan for it. Then answer and discuss the following questions:

• How does the competitive environment for the company affect the organization's HR function?

• Which strategy would be best suited to address the effects discussed?

Provide a rationale for your answers. Reply to at least one (1) of your classmate's posts.

Discussion 2: Considering Human Resource Planning from Different Perspectives

Please respond to the following:

Why is it important to look at both the manager and the employee points of view when engaging in human resource planning? How can this information be used as a source of strategy?

Discussion 3: Scripps Recruitment and Interview Process

After watching the video titled Scripps*, (also located in the Learn section), isolate one (1) aspect of the Scripps recruitment and interview process that could be most attributable to Scripps' ample supply of registered nurses. Explain how you could apply this aspect at your current (or former) place of work.

Post a response to this prompt and respond to 1-2 peers.

*Note: Flash Player must be enabled in your browser to view this video.

Reference no: EM132219787

Questions Cloud

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Explain the fruit guys business strategy : Watch the video titled "Fruit Guys - Strategy,"* also located in the Learn section of Week 3 of your Blackboard course. Identify two or three (2-3) businesses.
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An overview of the hazard and your analysis of the threat : EDMG220: Prepare a powerpoint presentation to present to your mayor or commissioners that includes an overview of the hazard and your analysis of the threat.


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