Reference no: EM133832532
Identify three political factors - domestic, international, or both - that can help us explain the foreign economic policies of states. Are these explanations mutually exclusive, or can they be combined to yield a better understanding of the international political economy?
Frieden, Jeffrey. 2020. Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century. New York: W. W. Norton.
Krasner, Stephen D. 1976. State Power and the Structure of International Trade. World Politics 28: 317-347.
Hoekman, Bernard M. and Michel M. Kostecki. 2009. The Political Economy of the World Trading System. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-56. (Available online at the library).
Hankla, Charles and Daniel Kuthy. 2012. Economic Liberalism in Illiberal Regimes: Authoritarian Variation and the Political Economy of Trade. International Studies Quarterly 57 (3): 492-504.
Frieden, Jeffry A. 2014. Currency Politics: The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policy. New York: Princeton University Press. (Available online at the library).
Egan, Patrick J. W. 2018. Globalizing Innovation: State Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies. Boston: MIT Press. (Available online at the library.)
Birchler, Kassandra, Sophia Limpach, and Katharina Michaelowa. 2016. Aid Modalities Matter: The Impact of Different World Bank and IMF Programs on Democratization in Developing Countries. International Studies Quarterly 60 (3): 427-439.
Dietrich, Simone. 2016. Donor Political Economies and the Pursuit of Aid Effectiveness. International Organization 70 (1): 65-102.
Hankla. Charles R. 2009. When is Fiscal Decentralization Good for Governance? Publius: The Journal of Federalism 39 (4): 632-650.
Bastiaens, Ida and Nita Rudra. 2018. Democracies in Peril: Taxation and Redistribution in Globalizing Economies. New York: Cambridge University Press.