Explain the firm current profits

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133083544

Two firms compete in a homogeneous product market where the inverse demand function is PQmultiple choice 1 = 10 -2 (quantity is measured in millions). Firm 1 has been in business for one year, while Firm 2 just recently entered the market. Each firm has a legal obligation to pay one year's rent of $0.5 million regardless of its production decision. Firm 1's marginal cost is $2, and Firm 2's marginal cost is $6. The current market price is $8 and was set optimally last year when Firm 1 was the only firm in the market. At present, each firm has a 50 percent share of the market.

a. Based on the information above, what is the likely reason that Firm 1's marginal cost is lower than Firm 2's marginal cost?

  • Limit pricing
  • Direct network externality
  • Learning curve effects
  • Second-mover advantage

b. Determine the current profits of the two firms.

Instructions: Enter all responses rounded to two decimal places.

Firm 1's profits: $  million

Firm 2's profits: $  million

c. What would each firm's current profits be if Firm 1 reduced its price to $6 while Firm 2 continued to charge $8?

Instructions: Enter all responses to two decimal places.

Firm 1's profits: $  million

Firm 2's profits: $  million

d. Suppose that, by cutting its price to $6, Firm 1 is able to drive Firm 2 completely out of the market. After Firm 2 exits the market, does Firm 1 have an incentive to raise its price?

Yes or No

e. Is Firm 1 engaging in predatory pricing when it cuts its price from $8 to $6?

Yes or No

Reference no: EM133083544

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