Explain the factors you would take into account

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13558871

Audit Risk Assessment

Your firm has recently been approached by the finance director of an entity which is considering whether it should change its auditors. The finance director heard about your firm from a business associate. The manager who spoke to the finance director has asked you to help him to assess whether the entity would be a suitable client for your firm.

(a) Explain the information you would seek to enable you to reach a conclusion as to the suitability of the potential client.

(b) Explain the factors you would take into account when assessing the level of risk associated with the potential client before deciding whether to accept it as a client.

(c) Summarise the general steps your firm could take to mitigate audit risk on this assignment once the client has been accepted

Reference no: EM13558871

Questions Cloud

Find the magnitude of the difference between the weights : A solid aluminum sphere has a radius of 2.34 m and atemperature of 89.0 °C. The sphere is then completely immersedin a pool of water whose temperature is 22.3 °C. find the magnitude of the difference between the weights
Parallel-plate capacitor-calculate the capacitance : A parallel-plate capacitor has circular plates of 6.10 cm radius and 1.10 mmseparation. Calculate the capacitance.
How to calculate the mass of water : Calculate the mass of 5.00mL of water using the date from all members of group. these numbers are the ones from my group 24.601g 28.8107g 29.4162g 29.2040g
Find the final temperature of the water after ice has melted : A 120 gcube of ice at 0°C is dropped into 1.0 kg of water that wasoriginally at 86°C. What is the final temperature of the water after the ice has melted
Explain the factors you would take into account : Explain the information you would seek to enable you to reach a conclusion as to the suitability of the potential client - Explain the factors you would take into account when assessing the level of risk associated
Estimate the increase in temperature of the water : Water at the top of Niagara Fallshas a temperature of 8.0°C. calculate the increase in temperature of the water at the bottomof the falls
Explain the ratio of the radii of certain anion-cation pairs : What proposal did Pauling make to estimate the ratio of the radii of certain anion-cation pairs
Find the tension that develops : A steel rod (ρ = 7860 kg/m3) has a length of2.40 m. It is bolted at both ends between immobile supports. Find the tension that develops when the rodloses 3230 J of heat
Describe the advantages and disadvantages to break pass : Describe the matters you should consider and the action you will take to ensure your firm remains independent as external auditor of the annual financial statements;


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