Explain the emergence of homo sapiens

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Reference no: EM131858493


1. Bipedalism is the defining characteristic of the hominin order described in our textbook. First, describe at least three of the features of bipedal adapted anatomy. Second, explore what is known about the origins of early hominid bipedalism by answering the following: What is the traditional explanation for the development of the bipedal locomotion adaptation in hominids. How do the following fossils support or challenge this explanation?

• "Lucy" Australopithecus afarensis (figure 5.5 in our textbook)
• "Ardi" Ardipithecus ramidus (figure 5.3 in our textbook)

Third, explain why endurance running may be an important adaptation for later hominid species such as Homo erectus. What adaptations are necessary for hominin endurance running to be possible? According to some scholars cited in our textbook, when and why did endurance running develop?

Your post must be written in your own words. Remember to name your sources. If you summarize something from the textbook, you can say, "according to our textbook." However, if you use quotes from the textbook or any other source, be sure to put them in quotation marks, state where they are from, and include the page number.

Your initial post (2 paragraphs) is due by Thursday at midnight

2. Describe the two major theories explaining the emergence of Homo sapiens and the distribution of archaic Homo sapien fossils. How are these theories related to two speciation models: punctuated equilibrium and gradualism? What evidence supports each theory? What alternative theories have been offered? How does Homo neanderthalensis fit into these models?

Finally, describe something you thought was interesting about both Neandertal cultural practices and Paleolithic cultural practices (of anatomically modern humans).

Of course, remember to read the assigned chapter and view all materials as you answer this discussion prompt. Your post must be written in your own words. Remember to name your sources. If you summarize something from the textbook, you can say, "according to our textbook." However, if you use quotes from the textbook or any other source, be sure to put them in quotation marks, state where they are from, and include the page number.

Reference no: EM131858493

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