Explain the effects of increasing the minimum wage

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133525932

Case Study: The intent of minimum wage laws is to generally ensure a living wage available for all U.S. citizens-in other words, to decrease poverty in America. However, as we learned this week, minimum wage laws lead to labor surpluses, which lead to unemployment, which lead to poverty. One can conclude that minimum wage laws are not the correct solution to the poverty issue.

Question: This week, you will prepare a presentation to appear before your local city council, regarding a decision to increase the minimum wage, discussing the following:

  1. Explain the effects of increasing the minimum wage.
  2. Propose alternative solutions to decrease poverty. Perhaps focusing on the causes of poverty is the solution. According to Stapleford (2015), "employment, education, discrimination and family structure" are the causes of poverty


Reference no: EM133525932

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