Explain the duty of care of the pcbu to their workers

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133644965

Undertake project work - Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Assessment 1-Short Questions

Question 1
Identify at least two examples of project management tools. In your own words, briefly describe how an organisation can use each tool when planning a project.

Question 2
Complete the table below:
a. Identify the following commonly used in defining parameters of a project:
a. At least two types of documents
b. At least two other sources of information
b. Briefly explain how each type of document, and how each source of information defines the parameters of a project.

Question 3
Bounce Fitness is a premier fitness centre in four cities - Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne.
Access the link below to learn more about Bounce Fitness:
Bounce Fitness
Bounce Fitness is planning to implement their project on enhancing the services for the Bounce Fitness Café. Access and review the cafés marketing plan. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Bounce Fitness Internet Coffee Shop Marketing Plan
a. In your own words, briefly explain the mission statement of Bounce Fitness Café.
b. Identify two goals of the business.
c. Identify at least two objectives that Bounce Fitness Café aims to achieve.
d. Refer to the section on Service Offering. List two ways on how Bounce Fitness Café will operate.

Question 4
Access the Fair Work Act 2009 and answer the following questions.Ensure to access the most current version of the Fair Work Act in the series.
Fair Work Act 2009
a. Based on the National Employment Standards, identify the maximum weekly hours for each of the following types of employees:
i. Full-time employee
ii. Part-time and/or casual employee
b. List at least three reasons for unlawful termination of an employee based on this Act.

Question 5
Access the work health and safety legislation (WHS) relevant to your state/territory and answer the following questions.
a. When undertaking project work, persons conducting a business (PCBU) or employers have a primary duty of care to their workers. In your own words, explain the duty of care of the PCBU/employers to their workers.
b. List at least three requirements that a PCBU/employer must do, under the primary duty of care, to ensure that health and safety of their workers undertaking any project work.

Assessment 2-Practical Assessment

The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a Simulation Environment-Bounce Fitness. To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to undertake a straightforward project or a section of a larger project. It includes developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects.

Case Study Assessment

This assessment has two tasks:
• Task 1: Identify Project Management Processes
• Task 2: Outline Human Resource Processes
This assessment includes detailed scenarios and simulated environments, providing all necessary information required to complete relevant tasks and activities, based on the simulated business, Bounce Fitness.

Task 1: Identify Project Management Processes
Access and review your organisation's policies and procedures for the following project management areas:
• Lines of authorities and approvals
• Quality assurance
• Budget
• Finance
• Recordkeeping
• Reporting
Complete the table below:
a. Identify the title of at least one organisational policy and procedure accessed for each area listed below
b. Outline your organisation's process for managing each area listed during a project.
You must submit a copy of each organisational policy and procedure identified as supplementary evidence for this task.

Task 2: Outline Human Resource Processes
Access and review your organisation's policies and procedures related to the following situations related to human resources during the delivery of a project:
• Acquisition
This involves either recruiting or reassigning employees to fill open positions required for your project.
• Development
This involves ensuring that each employee can accomplish work tasks according to organisational standards or expectations.
• Management
This involves overseeing all employees to ensure that work tasks are being completed on time and according to set standards.
Complete the table below:
a. Identify the title of at least one organisational policy and procedure accessed for each area of human resource listed below
b. Outline your organisation's process for human resource management.
c. Briefly explain how each process can be used to complete a project.

Simulated Workplace Project Assessment
Project Overview
This assessment is divided into four parts:
• Part 1 Establish Project Parameters
• Part 2 Develop Project Plan
• Part 3 Administer and Monitor Project
• Part 4 Finalise and Review the Project
This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in a simulated workplace Bounce fitness environment with conditions similar to that of a workplace.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while being observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks including instructions and guidance for satisfactorily completing them.

You are required to:
• Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
• Identify the scope of a project you will be completing for this assessment
• Plan and manage the project's budget and timeframes
• Develop a project plan
• Conduct risk management for identified risks related to the project and the work health and safety (WHS) of all individuals involved in the project
• Implement and monitor the project according to approved plans
• Finalise and review the project conducted
Transition team members at the end of the project

Part 1. Establish Project Parameters
Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to establish the parameters of at least two projects you will undertake with your team. Specifically, you are required to:
• Identify project scope
• Define project stakeholders
• Seek clarification from delegating authority of issues related to project and project parameters
• Identify responsibilities of relevant stakeholders and reporting requirements
• Clarify relationship of project to other projects and to the organisation's objectives
• Identify availability of resources and access to resources for undertaking the project

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
• A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Workplace documentation, including:
• Documentation relevant to the project you will undertake throughout this assessment
Documentation can include:
- Project brief
- Existing project plan or summary
- Project documentation containing the project scope
• Documentation identifying your organisation's organisational objectives
• Documents containing information about at least two other organisational projects related to the project you will be undertaking
o People, including:
• At least two project team members
• At least three project stakeholders
Stakeholders can include:
- Clients
- Managers and supervisors
- Project sponsors
o Resources that you will need to conduct your project
Resources can include:
• Human resources
• Physical Resources
• Technical resources
o Seek an opportunity within your organisation to undertake at least one project within the workplace.
The type of project you will undertake will vary depending on the industry or organisation you're currently in. Ensure that the projects you will undertake can be completed within the period of your assessment.

Task 1.1 Establish Project Parameters
Assessment Instruction
1. Seek an opportunity within your organisation to undertake at least one project within the workplace. This can be a short-term project or a section of a large project from the organisation.
The type of project you will undertake will vary depending on the industry or organisation you're currently in. Ensure that the projects you will undertake can be completed within the period of your assessment.
2. Seek permission from relevant personnel to allow you access to documentation relevant to the project you will undertake. These include but are not limited to:
• Project brief
This can be from your organisation or from an external client
• Existing project plan or summary
• Project documentation containing the project scope, such as:
o Expected outcomes of the project
o Inclusions and exclusions of the project
o Project timeframes
o Resources required
o Quality standards of the project
Where possible, the documents you will access must be current and aligned with the timeframes of the selected project.
3. Review the relevant documentation and collate information that you can use to establish the scope of your project.
4. Access the Project Scope Statementtemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook. Use this to identify the following parameters in your project:
• Preliminary information, including:
o Name of workplace/organisation
o Title of the project
o Project manager (your name)
o Project sponsor
Identify who commissioned the project - whether it's for an external client or an internal project within the organisation.
o Date (when the Project Scope Statement is created)
• Purpose of the project
Briefly describe why this project is to be undertaken.
• Relevant organisational objectives
Identify at least two organisational objectives relevant to this project.
• Scope of the project
Describe the coverage of the project or what is aimed to be achieved at the end of the project.
• Exclusions
Describe what areas or aspects are not to be included in this project.
• Relevant organisational projects
Identify at least two organisational projects relevant to this project. Briefly explain how each identified project is relevant to the one you will undertake.
• Project stakeholders
Identify at least three stakeholders who will be involved in the project to be undertaken. You must include your name and role as project manager as the third stakeholder.
Stakeholders can include:
• Clients
• Managers and supervisors
• Project sponsors
At least one of the other two stakeholders must be identified as the delegating authority for the project.
• Stakeholder responsibilities
Identify at least two responsibilities of each stakeholder identified in relation to the project.
• Project team members
Identify at least two team members who will be included in the project you will undertake. Specify the work roles of each of your team members.
Indicate your name as the third team member, with your role as project manager.
• Deliverables
Identify at least two products, services, or outputs expected to be completed in the project.
• Acceptance criteria/measures of success
Identify at least two criteria that will determine the achievement/completion of the deliverables.
• Project constraints
Identify and describe at least two factors, events, or circumstances that can occur and will potentially limit or restrict the implementation of the project, e.g. predefined budgets or timelines from clients.
• Project assumptions
Identify at least two factors, events, or circumstances that are expected to occur, and can impact the project, e.g. Each team member can complete their deliverables in two weeks.
• Reporting requirements
• Outline the requirements on how progress will be reported during this project. You may refer to your organisation's processes or develop the requirements that you intend to implement.
• Indicate the frequency of each report submission, e.g. weekly
• Include in the reporting requirements the person responsible for submitting and receiving specific reports within the project.
• Project references
Log all documentation and references accessed to determine the requirements of this project.
5. When writing the Project Scope Statement, ensure use of the following as appropriate for a project planning document:
• Vocabulary
• Structure
• Conventions
Ensure that you have completed the Project Scope Statement before commencing with the next task.
6. Submit the partially completed Project Scope Statement to your assessor.

Task 1.2 Clarify Project Issues and Other Parameters with Delegating Authority
Assessment Instructions
1. Access and review the parameters of the project you recorded in the Project Scope Statement completed in Task 1.1 to identify issues with the project and its parameters.
Issues can be any situation or circumstance that can occur during the course of the project or are already present and need to be addressed before the project commences.
2. Review the relevant projects you have identified in the Project Scope Statement.
3. Access and review your organisation's requirements relating to gaining project approvals. Refer to this information when seeking clarification for your project.
4. Based on these organisational requirements, clarify the following information with the identified delegating authority of the project:
• Issues relating to the project and its parameters
o At least one issue must be related to the project
o At least two issues must be related to any parameters of the project
• Relationship of the project you will undertake to the following:
o Each of your organisation's objectives
o Each of the two related projects of your organisation
Refer to corresponding responses provided in the Project Scope Statement you completed.
Where possible, provide the delegating authority with a copy of the Project Scope Statement to ensure their overall understanding of the project.

5. Upon the approval of the Project Scope Statement, have your delegating authority sign the Approval section of the Project Scope Statement. This is to confirm that they have approved the information listed in your completed document.
6. Submit evidence to your assessor that demonstrate when you clarified the above information with the delegating authority. Evidence may vary, depending on your organisation's requirements.
Evidence can include:
• Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of the delegating authority
• Email correspondence with clarification from the delegating authority
7. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Approved Project Scope Statement
• Evidence of clarifications with delegating authority
Evidence can include:
o Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of the delegating authority
o Email correspondence with clarification from the delegating authority

Task 1.3 Determine Availability and Access to Project Resources
Assessment Instructions
1. Locate the Project Resources Logtemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook. Use this template to identify the resources required to undertake the project.
2. Where possible, specify all resources required for the project. For the purpose of this assessment, you must identify the following:
• At least two physical resources
These include but are not limited to resource materials, equipment, facilities and other such objects.
• At least two human resources
These include colleagues or other work roles who will be integral for the delivery of the project
• At least two technical resources (optional)
These include but are not limited to specific technologies or applications needed to complete the project; write Nil or NA if not required for the project
3. For each resource identified:
1. Specify if the resource is readily available in your organisation
1.1 If yes, specify where this can be accessed
E.g. if it's a resource material, it can be accessed via storage space in your workplace; if human resources, you may indicate the department/work area where they are a part of
1.2 If no, specify how you will obtain the resource,
E.g. if a specific work role is required but is not a part of the organisation yet, you may seek contractor services
2. Indicate the date when you checked the availability of each resource
3. Indicate the estimated cost of each resource for the duration of the project
E.g. if referring to physical or technical resources that you need to purchase, calculate for its cost; if referring to human resources, indicate the salaries (per month)
If resources refer to equipment or facilities that are already in the organisation, write NA.
You may conduct your own research or seek assistance from relevant personnel in the organisation who have access to documents relating to cost of resources.
4. Have at least one of the relevant stakeholders identified in the Project Scope Statement review and sign off the declaration of the Project Resources Log. This is to confirm that the resources are ready by the time you commence the project. Their signature must be handwritten.
5. Submit the completed Project Resources Log to your assessor.

Part 2. Develop Project Plan

Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to develop a project plan based on the identified parameters and other requirements. Specifically, you are required to:
• Identify risks and develop a risk management plan for project, including Work Health and Safety (WHS)
• Develop project budget and timeframe and seek approval from relevant stakeholders
• Consult team members and apply their views in planning the project
• Identify and access appropriate project management tools
• Develop project plan according to project parameters and deliverables
• Finalise project plan and gain necessary approvals to commence project according to documented plan

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
• A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Template used for developing a Project Plan
o Your organisation's risk management tools
o At least two project management tools used by your organisation
This can refer to applications or templates used by your organisation to monitor the progress of a project.
o People, including:
• At least two project team members
• At least three project stakeholders

Task 2.1 Conduct Project and WHS Risk Assessment
Assessment Instruction
1. Seek assistance from your supervisor or relevant project stakeholders to assist you in identifying risks in both the project, and work health and safety. Ensure to follow organisational policies and procedures when documenting identified risks.
2. Access the Risk Registertemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
3. Partially complete one Risk Register for each area listed below:
• Project to be undertaken
• Work health and safety (WHS)
Ensure to indicate in the filename of each Risk Register which one is for the project, and which one is for WHS.
Complete section A. Initial Risk Assessment for each Risk Register:
• Describe at least two risks for each area listed above
For the purpose of this assessment, focus on the risks that will directly impact the deliverables of your project.
• Conduct an initial assessment of each risk in terms of its:
• Likelihood to occur
• Impact on the project and/or WHS
• Risk rating of each identified risk
• Identify the priority level of each risk
• Identify at least one control measure to mitigate each risk. Control measures selected must be based on the hierarchy of controls.
Leave the B. Revised Risk Assessment section blank in both templates. You will complete these during the implementation of the project in Part 3 of this assessment.
Use your organisation's risk management tools to complete this section. You must submit the organisational risk management tools you used to complete this task as attachments in the next task.
If your organisation does not have risk management tools, you can use the risk rating matrix provided in the following pages as guidance.
4. Have your supervisor review and sign off each of the Risk Registers. Their signature must be handwritten.
5. There is no submission at this point. The following will be submitted as attachments in the next task:
• Two partially completed Risk Registers
o At least one Risk Register for the project
o At least one Risk Register for WHS
o Organisational risk management tools to partially complete the Risk Registers

Task 2.2 Develop Risk Management Plan
Assessment Instruction
1. Review the initial risk assessment conducted in Task 2.1. You will need this information to develop a risk management plan for both project and work health and safety (WHS).
2. Locate the Risk Management Plan template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook. Complete one Risk Management Plan based on your initial risk assessment for the project and WHS.
You may use your organisation's style guide or template to develop the Risk Management Plan, however, your submission must include the requirements provided below.
3. Complete the following in the Risk Management Plan:
I. Preliminary details
1.1. Title of the project
1.2. Project environment
1.3. Date of the plan (when it was created)
1.4. Version control and document history
For this assessment, the document is at version 1.0 in the current date.
II. Introduction
2.1. Purpose of the risk management plan
Briefly explain at least two purposes of the risk management plan - one purpose must be in relation to the project, and one purpose in relation to WHS.
2.2. Objectives of risk management
List at least two objectives.
2.3. Definition of terms
List and define terms that need to be understood in the context of this risk management.
III. Risk Management Process
Explain in each of the following sections how risks in both the project and WHS will be identified, analysed, and managed throughout the project cycle.
3.1. Risk identification
Outline the process you used to identify risks in both the project and WHS.
3.2. Risk analysis
• Briefly explain the following:
o how the risk rating is used for risk analysis
o how risks are prioritised
• At least two timelines on when each control measure identified in the Risk Registers from Task 2.1 will be implemented
o One timeline for the project risks control measures
o One timeline for the WHS risks control measures
3.3. Risk response
*Refer to your responses in each completed Risk Register from Task 2.1
• Each identified risk per area*
• Likelihood of each risk occurring*
• Impact of each risk*
• Control measure to be implemented for each risk*
*Refer to your completed Risk Register from Task 2.1.
• Person responsible
Identify individual stakeholders who are responsible for responding to each risk identified for both project and WHS. These can include your project team members.
• Target implementation date for each control measure
• Expected outcome for each control measure to be implemented
3.4. Risk tracking and reporting
Explain how risks will be tracked and outline the reporting requirements. Specify any tools that will be used in the risk management process, e.g. Risk Log, and indicate the individual stakeholder to whom risks are to be reported.
IV. Approvals
Have at least two relevant stakeholders review and approve your Risk Management Plan. Ask them to sign the ‘Approvals' section in your document which must include:
• Name of stakeholder
• Job role/position
• Handwritten signature
• Date of approval
V. Appendices/Attachments
Include the Risk Registers and from Task 2.1 and other relevant tools used to develop the Risk Management Plan. If you use your organisation's risk management tools to partially complete the Risk Registers in Task 2.1, include those as well.
4 Submit the completed Risk Management Plan including its attachments to your assessor:

Task 2.3 Develop Project Budget and Timeframes
Assessment Instruction

This task will require you to develop a budget plan and set the timeframes for the project you will undertake.
You can use your organisation's style guide or templates to develop the budget plan and the project timeframes, however, your submission must include the requirements provided below.

This task will require you to develop a budget plan and set the timeframes for the project you will undertake.
You can use your organisation's style guide or templates to develop the budget plan and the project timeframes, however, your submission must include the requirements provided below.
A. Develop Project Timeframes
1. Locate the Project Timeframes template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
You can also use other project management tools used by your organisation to plot project timeframes.
2. Review the Project Scope Statement completed in Task 1.1. Refer to the deliverables of the project and identify the tasks/milestones involved to complete each deliverable.
3. Fill out the Project Timeframes template with the following details about the project:
• Preliminary information including:
o Title of the project
o Target start and finish date of the project
• At least two deliverables of the project
• Breakdown of tasks or milestones to be undertaken to complete each deliverable
Number of tasks/milestones will vary depending on the project deliverable.
• Status of each task or milestone
• Owner
Identify the team member assigned to complete each task/milestone.
• Target start and finish dates of each task or milestone
• Time allocation per task
Indicate the target timeframe for completing each task/milestone.
You may add other details that will assist you in preparing your project plan at this stage, however, this is not required.

You may add other details that will assist you in preparing your project plan at this stage, however, this is not required.
B. Develop the Project Budget
1. Locate the Project Budget Plan template provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
You may also use other tools used by your organisation to develop project budgets.
2. Refer to the breakdown of tasks or milestones in the Project Timeframes Template completed in Task 2.3-A.
3. Complete the Project Budget Plan:
a. In the Expense Type column of the Project Budget Plan, record the resources required for the project. Where possible, breakdown the resources required into categories to easily identify the expenses. These include but are not limited to:
• Cost of Labour
• Materials (supplies or raw materials)
• Other expenses such as:
o Travel cost
o Purchase of equipment
o Rent of facilities
b. Indicate how many of each resource will be needed in the Quantity column.
c. In the Estimated Cost column of the template, indicate the estimated cost for purchasing or acquiring each resource.
Breakdown of resources will vary depending on the requirements of the project and their availability. You may refer to the Estimated Cost of Resource from the Project Resources Log completed in Task 1.3.
d. Calculate the overall estimated cost.
Leave the ‘Actual Cost' column blank. You will complete this during the implementation of the project in Task 4.1 of this assessment.
C. Seek Approval for Project Timeframes and Budget
1. Have at least two relevant project stakeholders review, approve and sign off the ‘Approvals' section of Project Timeframes template and Project Budget Plan. This includes the following:
• Name of stakeholder
• Job role/position
• Handwritten signature
• Date of approval
Note: The ‘Approvals' section in your Project Timeframes template and Project Budget Plan may vary depending on the template used, however, your submission must clearly demonstrate that these were approved before commencing the project.
2. Record any changes required by the relevant stakeholders in your project timeframes and budget plan. Amend these changes as recommended. Then, update this in the ‘Version Control and Document History' section of each template.
Initial version of each document must be at version 1.0 in the current date.
3. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed and approved Project Timeframes template
• Completed and approved Project Budget Plan template
Where amendments were included in the submission, you must also submit version 1.0 of the templates.

Task 2.4 Consult Team on Project Planning
Assessment Instruction
1. To complete this task, you must conduct a consultation with your team members to discuss the project you will be undertaking.
2. Review the following documents you completed from Task 1.1 to Task 2.3:
• Project Scope Statement
• Risk Management Plan
• Project Timeframes
• Project Budget Plan
3. Locate the following documents:
• Meeting Minutes template in the Bounce Fitness site
• Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task. Provide your assessor with a copy of the Observation Form.
4. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the consultation meeting.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
5. Arrange a meeting with at least two of your team members identified in the Project Scope Statement
6. Conduct the consultation meeting. During the meeting, discuss the following with your team members:
• Overview of the project
• Required deliverables
• Project timeframes
• Each team members' roles and responsibilities in both:
o The project to be undertaken
o Risk management
Document your discussion in the Meeting Minutes template.
7. In the course of the discussion, you must:
• Obtain your team members' feedback or views regarding the project. This can include:
o Areas of improvement
o Areas requiring amendment in the project
o Issues or concerns relating to the project
• Use collaborative techniques to allow participation from team members
• Use clear language to present or seek information
• Use listening and questioning skills to seek information and confirm understanding of team members
Each team member must provide at least one feedback or view at any point during the meeting.
8. At the end of the meeting, have each of your team member sign off beside their names in the Meeting Minutes template. Their signatures must be handwritten.

Task 2.5 Develop Project Plan
Assessment Instruction
1. Review the following documents you completed from Task 1.1 to Task 2.4:
• Project Scope Statement
• Project Resources Log
• Risk Management Plan
• Project Timeframes
• Project Budget Plan
• Meeting Minutes
2. Review the Workplace Project Task 2.5 - Assessor's Checklist provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these requirements with you, and the criteria outline in this form prior to assessment.
3. Develop a draft Project Plan based on the information you have from the above listed documents.
There's no specific template to be used for the Project Plan. You may use your organisation's format/style guide when writing this or, search online for formats you can refer to. However, the requirements outlined below must be in your submission.
You may also refer to the Project Plantemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
4. The Project Plan you will submit must include the following sections:
I. Project cover sheet which includes:
a. Project title
b. Project manager (your name)
c. Project sponsor
d. Version number
e. Version date
Version number of this document is version 1.0, with the current date when you first created this plan.
II. Version Control and document history
Must be on the page after the cover sheet, indicating the following:
? Version number of the document
? Version date
? History of modifications done
Update this section after the review and consultation in the later tasks.
III. Executive summary, or overview of the project
Purpose of the project must be covered here.
IV. Related projects and relevance to current project
Identify at least two projects related to the project you will be undertaking. Briefly explain how each identified project is related to the current project.
Refer to the Project Scope Statement completed in Task 1.1.
V. Project deliverables
VI. Project milestones and target timeframes
Refer to the Project Timeframes template completed in Task 2.3.
VII. Project scope
a. Scope of the project
b. Exclusions
c. Project Assumptions
d. Project Constraints
VIII. Project governance
a. Legislative and regulatory context
Must include at least one for each of the following to which the project implementation must comply with:
i. Relevant legislation (e.g. Privacy Act, WHS Act)
ii. Relevant regulation (e.g. WHS Regulations)
iii. Relevant standards (e.g. National Employment Standards for contract workers, if any)
iv. Relevant codes of practice (e.g. codes of practice used in the workplace)
b. Roles and responsibilities
i. Key stakeholders
ii. Project team members
For each stakeholder and team member, indicate at least one of their role and responsibility in the project to be undertaken.
Responses must correspond with the key stakeholders and project team members identified in the Project Scope Statement from Task 1.1.
IX. Risk management
Summarise the Risk Management Plan developed from Task 2.2.
X. Resource details
Identify all the resources identified in the Project Resources Log and the Budget Plan. Include a brief description on the purpose of each resource.
XI. Operating procedures
a. Operating procedures
Outline how each of the following will be managed when the project is undertaken:
• Project finances
• Resources required
b. Reporting requirements
Outline the reporting procedures and reporting frequency for
• Project progress, including person responsible for submitting and receiving specific reports during the project.
Refer to the completed Project Scope Statement.
• Monitoring of project finances and resources, including person responsible for submitting and receiving these reports within the project.
c. Project management tools
Identify at least two project management tools that you will use to monitor this project. This can refer to applications or templates used by your organisation.
Briefly explain how they will be used for the project.
XII. Acceptance Criteria/Measure of Success
Refer to this section from the Project Scope Statement. Describe how you will assess each criterion/measure of success identified.
XIII. Contracts (if applicable)
Attach all contracts that are needed for conducting the project.
XIV. Attachments
Collate all documents completed and approved from Task 1.1 to Task 2.4. You will submit them as attachments when gaining approval for the overall project plan, and as evidence for this project task.
XV. Project approvals
a. Name of stakeholder
b. Job role/position
c. Handwritten signature
d. Date of approval
This section will be completed after the project plan is finalised and presented to at least two relevant project stakeholders.
5. In developing the Project Plan for this task, you must ensure to:
• Apply the feedback or views from project team members in Task 2.4 meeting
• Use vocabulary, structure, and conventions appropriate to the plan
6. Once you complete the draft plan, prepare a copy of the Project Plan to be reviewed by at least two relevant stakeholders of the project. Provide them a copy of all the documents included in the Attachments sections as listed in Step 4.
You may arrange a meeting with the stakeholders or consult with them via written correspondence. In your consultation with them, obtain their feedback on the following:
• Areas requiring amendment in the plan
• Other issues or concerns related to the project
You will need to submit supplementary evidence of this consultation to your assessor in Task 2.6. This will include:
• Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of attending stakeholders
• Email correspondence with responses from stakeholders
• Video recording of meeting conducted with the stakeholders
• Scanned copies of written report or copies of the Project Plan with edited reviews from stakeholders

Task 2.6 Finalise Project Plan
Assessment Instructions
1. Access and review the following documents from Task 2.5:
• Partially completed Project Plan
• Evidence of consultation with at least two relevant stakeholders
2. Review the Workplace Project Task 2.6 - Assessor's Checklist provided in the Bounce Fitness site before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these requirements with you, and the criteria outline in this form prior to assessment.
3. Implement recommendations and amendments required to your Project Plan based on the consultation with stakeholders.
Where there are changes required to the Attachments submitted, revise them as well in their corresponding documents and apply these changes to the Project Plan.
In implementing the amendments, ensure to update the Version Control and Document History section of the Project Plan and in the necessary attachments.
4. Finalise the documents. Ensure that all sections of the documents:
• Are complete and organised
• Are properly formatted
• Uses language and structure appropriate and suitable for the audience
• Are free from grammar and spelling errors
5. Have the two relevant stakeholders from Task 2.5 review and approve the final Project Plan. Ask them to complete the following details in the Project Approvals section of the plan:
• Name of stakeholder
• Job role/position
• Handwritten signature
• Date of approval
6. Collate the following documents to be submitted as attachments to your Project Plan:
• Project Scope Statement
• Project Resources Log
• Risk Management Plan, including the two Risk Registers*
• Project Timeframes*
• Project Budget Plan*
*Keep copies of these documents as these will be used as running records to monitor the implementation of your project.
7. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Final version of the Project Plan including attachments
• Evidence of consultation with at least two relevant stakeholders
This includes but is not limited to:
o Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of attending stakeholders
o Email correspondence with responses from stakeholders
o Scanned copies of written report or copies of the Project Plan with edited reviews from stakeholders

Part 3. Administer and Monitor Project
Task Overview

This part of the project requires you to undertake the project in at least two occasions, with your team members. You will also monitor its progress and completion. Specifically, you are required to:
• Communicate to project team members their responsibilities and project requirements
• Establish and maintain required recordkeeping systems throughout the project
• Implement and monitor plans for managing project finances, resources and quality
• Undertake risk management as required

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
• A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Template used for developing a Project Brief
o People, including:
• At least two project team members
• At least three project stakeholders
o Additional resources needed to implement your project

Task 3.1 Establish Recordkeeping Systems for Project
Assessment Instructions
1. Before commencing the project, you need to establish and prepare recordkeeping systems to effectively monitor the progress of your project.
2. Locate the Recordkeeping Systems Logtemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.Use this to identify the recordkeeping systems you will use to monitor and report the project progress.
3. Review the reporting requirements and project management tools outlined in your Project Plan from Task 2.5. You can also refer to the relevant recordkeeping systems used by the organisation when undertaking project work.
4. Complete the Recordkeeping Systems Log:
a. Identify at least one type recordkeeping system that you intend to use to monitor for each of the following:
• Project progress status
This must record the following:
o Project tasks/milestones to complete the deliverables
o start and finish dates of each task/milestone
o Status of each task
o Team Member assigned to each task
You can use the Project Timeframes template (Task 2.3) or similar templates.
• Budget and resources
This must record the actual costs and resources used throughout the project. You can refer to the Project Budget Plan template (Task 2.3) or similar templates.
• Risk management
This is a running record when the control measures in the Risk Management Plan were implemented, including a revised risk rating.
Use the Risk Register: Project and Risk Register: WHS from Task 2.1 for this.
• Status reports log
This record must show when you have reported to relevant stakeholders about the status of the project in line with the reporting requirements in the Project Plan (e.g. correspondence, document signoff, etc.).
Supplementary evidence of communication/reporting must be submitted at Part 4 of the Practical Assessment.
Access the Status Reports Log in the Bounce Fitness site.
b. Briefly describe the purpose of each recordkeeping system identified.
Descriptions must show that each of the areas listed above will be monitored by at least one recordkeeping system.
c. Identify the frequency of updating each recordkeeping system
If you will be using your own organisation's templates as reference for completing this task, you must review each template with your assessor. This is to ensure that all requirements, as outlined in the generic templates, are present in the documents you will be using.
5. Complete the Recordkeeping Systems Log with the following:
• Title of the project
• Type of recordkeeping system
• Purpose of the recordkeeping system
• Frequency of update
6. Submit the completed Recordkeeping Systems Log to your assessor.

Task 3.2 Communicate Project Brief to Team
Assessment Instructions
1. To complete this task, you must create a Project Brief and communicate this document to your team members.
2. Access and review the following approved documents
• Project Plan from Task 2.6
• Recordkeeping Systems Log fromTask 3.1.
3. Review Workplace Project Task 3.2 - Assessor's Checklist in the Bounce Fitness site before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete this task
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task
Your assessor will discuss these requirements with you, and the criteria outline in this form prior to assessment.
4. Prepare a Project Brief which you will use to inform your team members about the project to be undertaken.
There's no specific template to be used for the Project Brief. You may use your organisation's format/style guide when writing this or, search online for formats you can refer to. However, the requirements outlined below must be in your submission.
5. The Project Brief you develop must include the following discussion points:
• Each team members' responsibilities for:
o Specific tasks or milestones to be completed throughout the project
o In line with risk management
• Expected start and finish dates for each project task or milestone
• Any specific needs that must be addressed to ensure that the quality and timelines of the project are met
• Specifications of the project, including:
o Reporting requirements
o Acceptance criteria/measure of success for deliverables
o Recordkeeping systems to be used throughout the project and how to use them
6. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task.
7. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the project briefing. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the briefing.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
8. Access the Meeting Minutes template provided in the Bounce Fitness site. Use this to document your discussion with your project team members.
9. Arrange a meeting with your team members to brief them about the project. Discussion points above must be recorded as agenda items in the Meeting Minutes. You may also provide them with a copy of the Project Brief prior to this meeting.
10. At the end of the meeting, have each of your team member sign off beside their names in the Meeting Minutes template. Their signatures must be handwritten.
11. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed Project Brief
• Completed Meeting Minutes
• Video recording of the meeting (Only if direct observation is not possible)

Task 3.3 Implement and Monitor the Project
Assessment Instructions
1. Review and prepare all the resources and tools you need to undertake the project. Ensure that your team fully understand their responsibilities and the expectations of the project before commencing.
2. Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate as you undertake the project with your team members.
3. Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you as you undertake the project. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the implementing the project.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.

4. Setup the recordkeeping systems identified in the Recordkeeping Systems Log from Task 3.1 to be accessed and used by the team
5. Implement the project based on the approved Project Plan from Task 2.6. Ensure that during the course of the project, you must:
• Regularly update the records relevant to the following, with your team members:
o Project progress status
o Budget and resources
o Risk management
o Status reports log
Ensure that each update corresponds with your response for frequency of updates identified in the in the Recordkeeping Systems Log from Task 3.1.
• Undertake risk assessment for both project and work health and safety (WHS)
• Provide support to your team members in completing target deliverables
6. Locate the Risk Treatment Plantemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.Complete this as you implement the control measures for both project and WHS. The Risk Treatment Plan must include the following:
a. At least two identified risks - one for the project, and one for WHS
b. At least one control measure implemented for each identified risk based on initial risk assessment
c. Date when each control measure was implemented
d. Outcome of each implementation
e. Control measures to be implemented based on revised risk assessment
Identify at least one for each risk. Each control measure must be based on the hierarchy of controls and the revised risk rating in each Risk Register.
f. Date when each control measure will be next implemented
7. Have your supervisor review and sign off the completed Risk Treatment Plan. Their signature must be handwritten.
8. At the end of the project, your team must complete the following:
a. At least two deliverables
Each deliverable must be reported and forwarded to at least two relevant stakeholders.
b. At least one control measure implemented for each of the following:
i. At least one risk related to the project
ii. At least one risk related to work health and safety
A revised risk rating must be provided in the corresponding Risk Registers after the implementation of each control measure. The Risk Treatment Plan must be completed together with the Risk Registers.
9. Locate the Status Reports Log provided in the Bounce Fitness site. Use this to document when you have forwarded required reports to at least two relevant project stakeholders in line with the reporting requirements of your Project Plan.
10. Ensure that each report is received and acknowledged by each stakeholder. Reports include but are not limited to:
• Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of attending stakeholders
• Email correspondence with responses from stakeholders
• Scanned copies of written report or copies of the reports with edited reviews from stakeholders
You must submit a compiled copy of these reports at the end of the project.
11. Complete the Status Reports Log with the following:
• Type of report submitted
• Name and role of receiving stakeholder
• Date of submission
12. At the end of the project, update the records used to track the following:
• Project progress status
This must show at least two completed deliverables from the Project Plan.
• Budget and resources
This must show the actual costs and resources used, including any additional expenses through the project cycle.
Keep copies or obtain permission from relevant personnel from your organisation to allow you access to financial documents relevant to this project. You will need this as supplementary evidence for Part 4 of this assessment.
• Risk management
The Risk Registers from Task 2.1 must show that at least one control measure was implemented for each of the following:
o At least one risk related to the project
o At least one risk related to work health and safety
Each Risk Register must have a completed section B. Revised Risk Assessment after the implementation. Where a control measure was not completed, provide the reason why in the corresponding Risk Register.
• Status reports log
Outline of reports indicated here will be checked by your assessor to confirm that reports were forwarded to the relevant stakeholders.
13. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Complete and updated records used to monitor the project
This includes the completed Risk Registers
• Completed Risk Treatment Plan
• Completed Status Reports Log

Part 4. Finalise and Review the Project

Task Overview
This part of the project requires you finalise and review the project undertaken, including required project documentation. Specifically, you are required to:
• Complete financial recordkeeping associated with project and confirm according to agreed budget
• Complete project documentation and obtain signoffs for concluding project
• Review project outcomes and processes against the project scope and plan
• Document feedback and suggested improvements

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
• A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Template to use to develop a written report on your evaluation of the project that was conducted
o Financial record associated with the completed project
Record include:
• Invoices
• Purchase receipts
• Remittances received
• Accounting statements
• Timesheets and/or payslips (including contract workers)
o People, including:
• At least two project team members
• At least three project stakeholders
o New projects or tasks for each project team member's reassignment or transition
Ensure that your team has completed at least two deliverables required from your project before proceeding to this part of the project assessment.

Task 4.1 Complete Financial Records for Project
Assessment Instruction
1. Seek permission from your supervisor or relevant personnel from your organisationto allow you access to the financial records associated with the project you completed. You need these records to complete this task.
Records you need to access include:
• Invoices
• Purchase receipts
• Remittances received
• Accounting statements
• Timesheets and/or payslips (including contract workers)
Dates indicated in the financial records must correspond to the start and finish dates of your project.

It is important that financial obligations associated with the project are fulfilled before closing the project.
2. Locate the Financial Records Logtemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.Use this to log all the financial records associated with the project.
3. Complete the following in the Financial Records Log:
• Preliminary information including:
o Title of the project
o Name of project manager (your name)
o Organisation name
o Date when the log is prepared
• Record type
Identify the type of financial record accessed. For the purpose of cross-checking, add a number coding system into the copy of the record to be submitted and into the template, e.g.:
• Description of transaction
Briefly describe what was the transaction in the specific record logged.
• Expense breakdown
Outline the specific individual expenses included in each transaction. For example, for purchase receipts, itemise all the materials purchase as reflected in that receipt.
• Total expenditure
Identify the total amount indicated in the transaction for each record type logged. Calculate for the total expenses at the end of the log.
4. Have your supervisor or relevant personnel from your organisation review the completed Financial Records Log. This is to confirm that the responses are correct and reflect the records accessed from the organisation.
5. Access and review the approved Project Budget Plan from Task 2.3.
6. Locate the Project Budget Variance Reporttemplate provided on Appendix section at the end of this assessment workbook.
Use this to consolidate the information from the Project Budget Plan and the Financial Records Log.
7. Complete the following in the Project Budget Variance Report:
• Preliminary information including:
o Title of the project
o Name of project manager (your name)
o Date when the report is prepared
• Expense type*
Write the type of expense as indicated in the Project Budget Plan from Task 2.3.
• Expense breakdown*
Outline the breakdown of expenses under each expense type based on the Financial Records Log. Classify each individual expense under its expense type, e.g. all office supplies will be classified under ‘Supplies' or ‘Raw Materials,' depending on how you identified them in your Project Budget Plan at the start of the project.
*List any other expenses which are not part of the approved budget plan but were utilised in the project.
• Budgeted Cost
Write the budgeted cost of each expense type based on your Project Budget Plan.
• Actual Cost
Write the total actual cost of each expense type based on the financial records accessed and the Financial Records Log.
• Variance
Calculate for the variance cost between the budgeted cost and the actual cost; calculate as well for the variance in percentage.
8. Have at least one relevant project stakeholder review and sign the completed Project Budget Variance Report. Where possible, this must be the same stakeholder who approved the Project Budget Plan in Task 2.3.
9. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Financial Records Log
• Project Budget Variance Report
• Copies of financial records accessed to complete the Financial Records Log

Task 4.2 Review Project Outcomes
Assessment Instructions
1. Access and review all the reports completed for the project undertaken for this assessment from Task 3.3 and Task 4.1. You will also need to access the following documents completed at the beginning of the project:
• Project Scope Statement from Task 1.1
• Project Plan fromTask 2.6
2. Review the Workplace Project Task 4.2 - Assessor's Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these requirements with you, and the criteria outline in this form prior to assessment.
3. Gather feedback from your team members and at least two relevant stakeholders involved in the project regarding the following:
• Processes undertaken in the implementation of the project
o What went well?
o Which areas need improvement?
• Outcomes of the project
• Their suggestions to improve processes and outcomes for similar projects in the future
You may arrange a meeting with your team members and the stakeholders or consult with them via written correspondence.
You will need to submit supplementary evidence of gathering feedback to your assessor. This will include but not limited to:
• Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of attending team members and/or stakeholders
• Video recording of the meeting conducted
• Email correspondence with responses from team members and/or stakeholders
4. Review the reports collated from the implementation of the project against the Project Scope Statement and the Project Plan. Review as well the feedback gathered from your team members and relevant stakeholders about the project processes and outcomes.
5. Based on your review, create a written report of your evaluation of the project.
There's no specific template to be used for the written report. You may use your organisation's format/style guide when writing this or, search online for formats you can refer to. However, the report must be based on the following points:
• What you delivered as compared to what you said you would deliver in the Project Scope Statement document
• How well your actual deliverables met the needs of the project sponsor identified in the Project Scope Statement and the Project Plan.
• What changes you feel are needed to bring to similar projects in the future
Identify at least two suggestions for improvement to the project.
In addition, your written report must include your evaluation of the following against the Project Scope Statementand Project Plan:
• At least two outcomes of the project
• At least two processes undertaken by the team during the project
Cite specific examples from both Project Scope Statement and Project Plan to support your evaluation.
When writing the report, you must use vocabulary, structure, and conventions appropriate to the plan.
There's no prescribed template to the written report, however, the above requirements must be in your submission.
6. Submit the following to your assessor:
• Evidence of feedback gathered from team members and stakeholders
Submissions will vary, however, evidence must show that at least two team members and at least two stakeholders provided feedback to assist in the review.
• Written report of the evaluation of the project

Task 4.3 Transition Team Members at End of Project
Assessment Instructions
At the end of the project undertaken for this project assessment, you must ensure that your team members will continue with their previous roles and/or will be reassigned to new roles or projects.
1. Seek your supervisor's assistance to look for opportunities for your team members' transition or reassignment tasks. If your team members are from departments or organisations other than yours, you may need to discuss this with their supervisors.
2. Communicate the transition or reassignment with your team members. Your discussion must include the following:
• Project or tasks where each team member will be transitioned or reassigned
• Each team members responsibilities in line with their new assignments
• The person whom they will report to in line with the transition or reassignment
If you don't have sufficient details on the specific responsibilities of each team member, you must, at a minimum, ensure to provide your team members with full details of the new project and/or task as advised to you by your supervisor/relevant personnel.
3. Submit evidence of your communication with team to the assessor. Evidence will vary and can include:
• Email correspondence with the team members
• Video recording of discussion with team member
• Meeting Minutes with handwritten signature of attending team members

Attachment:- Undertake project work Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM133644965

Questions Cloud

Describe ways in which lean and six sigma could be applied : Describe ways in which Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models.
Climate changes bring about illness and death : Climate changes bring about illness and death due to a host of stressful environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures, droughts, and so on.
How economic tools can be used to analyze the economic issue : Develop a problem statement and explain how economic tools can be used to analyze the economic issue. (e.g. supply and demand curves, cost curve).
Identify the research methodology and design of the article : Identify the research methodology and design of the article. Describe how these elements may differ based on the study's methodology.
Explain the duty of care of the pcbu to their workers : BSBPMG430 Undertake project work, Diploma of Marketing and Communication - Explain the duty of care of the PCBU/employers to their workers
Promoting health and preventing diseases : Nurse practitioners significantly contribute to promoting health and preventing diseases.
What goals did nadella set for transforming the organization : Which of Lencioni's 5 areas of dysfunction in teams were most present at Microsoft? What goals did Nadella set for transforming the organization?
Considering automated medication administration systems : Considering Automated medication administration systems determine the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform's initiatives
New graduate nurse provide care for several clients : The nurse and the new graduate nurse provide care for several clients. The nurse assists the new nurse with establishing client care priorities.



2/19/2024 9:37:07 PM

Please follow all the requirements in the assessment guideline. all templates with guideline for solutions. please go through carefully and clearly.

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